Febrile Convulsion

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Convulsions in children can be brought about by multiple factors from a fever - as in febrile convulsions to an abnormal growth or neoplasm in the brain tissue. The usual management is prescribing usual anti-epileptic medicines, which though are effective in controlling the seizures are also known to cause certain side effects.


A febrile seizure may be diagnosed by the health care provider when a grand mal seizure occurs in a child with a fever and no prior history of seizure disorders ( epilepsy ). In infants and young children, it is important to rule out other causes for a first-time seizure, especially meningitis.

Valparin is a drug which is derived from valproic acid, and it is thought to work by having an effect on the function of the neurotransmitter GABA in the human brain. It is a viable alternative to lithium salts in the treatment of bipolar disorder, and it has also been used in the treatment of schizophrenia.

1. Large tonsils - the fact that tonsils are large does not mean that they are infected; tonsils are normally bigger during childhood.

2. Frequent colds and viral sore throats - a number of studies have shown that this procedure does not reduce the incidence of viral upper respiratory tract infections.

3. Recurring strep throat - recent studies have shown that a child does not have fewer streptococcal infections of the throat after the tonsils are removed unless he or she experiences 7 or more strep infections per year (a rare occurrence).

Symptoms of chronic or recurrent ear infections can include fluid congestion, hearing loss, ringing in the ears, loss of balance, dizziness and ongoing fatigue.

For chronic cases the best ear infection treatment is a powerful Chinese herb called astragalus. This herb fortifies the immune system and helps rebuild strength and stamina. Astragalus is also a good preventative to keep further infections at bay.

Mononucleosis in children can cause the "Alice in Wonderland" syndrome, particularly when there is a high fever. This syndrome is characterized by the sufferer perceiving objects as the wrong size or shape and/or finding that perspective is wrong. For example body parts, people, cars, buildings, etc. look smaller or larger than they should be, or distances look incorrect.

In asthma, there is a difficulty in breathing caused by narrowing of the air passage to the lungs. It is common in childhood. It may be triggered off by bronchitis or be caused by an allergy to pollen or dust. In some children, emotional stress plays a part. Skin conditions, such as eczema in children, may be due to irritation from a detergent or an allergic reaction to a food or a particular fabric.

Febrile seizures have a short duration of five minutes or less, are triggered by a high fever and usually indicate an underlying illness. They can be sudden, but after the first episode do not usually reoccur. What's important here is to find out what the underlying illness is that is creating the high fever. Many times, the seizure is the first indication that your infant has some kind of illness.

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