My Dog Has Diarrhea! Dog Diarrhea Causes And Treatment

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Diarrhea is an extremely common condition which affects dogs of all ages. If your dog has soft bowel motions, it indicates something is not quite right in his intestines. It also means you may have extra cleaning up to do!
Loose stools have many causes, some more serious than others. Here are the most common reasons your dog may develop diarrhea.
Dogs aren't always sensible about what they eat, and don't snacking on any spoiled food or even dead birds they come across during the day. As you can imagine, this upsets their gastrointestinal system, and will cause diarrhea, often accompanied by vomiting.
Still on the subject of diet, even a change in the brand of kibble you feed your dog may result in loose stools for a few days as his intestines adapt to the new food. You can avoid this by gradually changing his food over the course of a few days. Increase the amount of new food and decrease the amount of old food in his dinner bowl at each meal, and he shouldn't have any problems at all.
Worms often cause diarrhea, particularly in young pups. This too is preventable by using an effective wormer on a regular basis. Ask your veterinarian for advice about a suitable worming product and treatment schedule for your dog.
Loose stools can be associated with stress and anxiety in dogs. Has your dog had a recent change in his life? Perhaps you've moved house, or your dog is spending more time alone than he used to.
Dogs, like people, can have food allergies, and diarrhea is one possible symptom of such an allergy. These dogs often also have itchy skin and ears. Food allergies are often tricky to diagnose, and take a lot of discipline on their owner's part to manage.
Infection. Most dog owners will have heard of the dreaded parvovirus. This causes severe and bloody diarrhea in dogs, accompanied by vomiting and depression. Parvovirus can kill a dog. There are other viruses which aren't as severe as parvovirus but can still make your dog quite sick.
What do you do if your dog has diarrhea?
If he is obviously sick, depressed and not interested in what's going on around him, you need to take him to your vet. If he does have a serious condition such as parvovirus, he'll respond better to treatment if it is started early. Similarly, if there is blood in the diarrhea, he needs veterinary attention sooner rather than later.
Many dogs develop diarrhea and are otherwise bright and alert, and still have a wag in their tail. If that's the case with your dog, you can watch him for 24 hours and see if his stools start to firm up. It's a good idea to skip his next meal to give his intestines time to settle down, and then re-introduce food by giving him 3 or 4 small bland meals over the course of the day. Lean chicken and boiled white rice is ideal. Make sure you treat him for worms, and if the diarrhea persists for more than a day, or if he becomes unwell, it's time to call your vet.
Our dogs are like family to us and so naturally it's very upsetting when they become sick. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you knew how to give your dog a check-up, so you could spot a problem early? Before it became truly serious or even life threatening?
Well, now you can!

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Signs of Lactose Intolerance In Infants and Their Effects

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Lactose intolerance in babies is quite common, primarily because infants still have very sensitive digestive systems. Additionally, their digestive systems aren't yet completely developed, normally lacking the capacity to manufacture sufficient lactase. Lactase is the enzyme in charge of the breakdown of lactose found in dairy products. This failure to process this kind of foods normally leads to nutritional deficits to infants considering that they can't eat dairy products which are great sources of calcium and protein.

Lactose intolerance is often compared to milk allergies, since these two conditions exhibit very similar symptoms, including bloated tummy and unwanted gas. Although this is so, milk allergies is not a disorder rather, it is just a normal reaction of the body to certain components of milk as well as other milk products such as proteins.

One other condition which is mistaken as lactose intolerance in babies is lactose indigestion. As the name implies, lactose indigestion is a condition in which the body is able to tolerate only a small amount of lactose. An increased accumulation of lactose takes place within the digestive system whenever there is excessive intake of foods that contain lactose. If the digestive system can't already handle this buildup of lactose, the bacteria within the intestines then ferment this excessive amount of lactose. This brings about similar symptoms as lactose intolerance, however lactose intolerance in babies shows that the digestive system cannot process any lactose - not even a little bit.

Types of Lactose Intolerance In Babies

Congenital lactose intolerance is a condition when the baby is born with the incapacity to breakdown lactose. Primary lactose intolerance is a condition that develops as the baby grows. During the early years of the baby, he is still able to breakdown lactose-containing foods nonetheless as he/she matures he gradually loses this ability. Primary lactose intolerance occurs when the baby's body begins to develop and starts to adjust to the types of foods that the baby feeds on.

Secondary lactose intolerance happens when the baby experiences a deficiency in lactase or when the condition is initiated by another factor, including another disease process. Conditions like diarrhea, parasitic infection, gastroenteritis, and many more which affect the digestive system causes this type of lactose intolerance in babies. Lactose intolerance can even be a result of deficiency in iron, however this could be one of the uncommon causes of this particular condition.

Lactose Intolerance in Babies: Symptoms

Babies might experience mild to severe lactose intolerance symptoms, and such symptoms normally happen around 2 hours after drinking milk or eating foods derived from milk. A few of the most typical lactose intolerance symptoms are as follows.

. Abdominal pains
. Diarrhea
. Crying and observable discomfort after drinking milk
. Nausea
. Gas
. Abdominal bloating

Diagnosis and Treatment of Lactose Intolerance in Babies

Since this condition manifests in a way that is just like several diseases related to the digestive system, lactose intolerance in babies tend to be not easy to recognize. In order to check if a child is suffering from lactose intolerance, there are three medical tests which can be performed to diagnose it properly. These medical tests are the hydrogen breath test, the lactose intolerance test, and the stool acidity test.

In the stool acidity test, the stool of the baby will be tested for its level of acidity. When there is a rise in the acidity of the stool after drinking milk, then it implies that the lactose components that came into the child's system wasn't processed accordingly. In some cases, children who shift from being breast fed to formula fed can avoid developing such condition by using only a formula which is free from any lactose ingredient.

The lactose intolerance test requires the baby to be fed with milk about 2 hours prior to the test is conducted. So next, a blood sample is then extracted from the child and the blood sample would be examined for its glucose content. A positive result would reveal that the glucose level did not increase after consumption of milk, clearly suggesting lactose intolerance in babies.

The hydrogen breath test is carried out through testing for the amount of hydrogen present in the air exhaled by the baby after taking in a significant amount of a lactose-containing food- normally milk. When the baby can't digest the milk properly, it will remain in the intestine to be fermented - and the process of fermentation will produce hydrogen as a by-product. Sooner or later, this hydrogen would be exhaled, and the amount of hydrogen is checked for in the hydrogen breath test.

The most important thing in fixing this lactose intolerance is figuring out the best suited means to deal with the situation. Because of this, putting an end to lactose intolerance in babies may be achieved if you seek the assistance of a doctor: alongside the other tips mentioned above .

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Vigel Review - Everything You Need To Know

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Most sex enhancement creams contain the amino acid called L-Arginine, which induces the body to produce nitric oxide, an essential chemical that is known to relax the blood vessels of the body. However, the desired effect of the nitric oxide is scientifically tested and proven when induced in the body. When it is taken topically on the skin, particularly on the clitoris, its effectiveness is generally unknown and unproven. One of these female enhancement creams that are popularly sold on the market is Vigel and is probably the cheapest. With regards to its efficiency, it is very difficult to obtain a Vigel review because many users of this product might not be fairly satisfied. With no customers attesting to its effectiveness, one may find it hard to obtain any single Vigel review with which she can refer to.

The desired effect of nitric oxide in the body is unclear when applied externally. The skin is composed of heavy derma cells. The composition of the skin might make it hard for the nitric oxide to get through to and apply its effect. With this situation, Vigel remains in the bottom list of the most effective female enhancers. With no product content on its label, a user might find it hard to write a Vigel review, whether negative or positive. A legit Vigel review must contain information about the composition of the product and must include the user experience with the product. Without the proper information label, scammers might take the chance to imitate the product and create false advertisements. This is very dangerous on the part of unsuspecting buyers. With no health safety certifications, females who might be using this product may suffer allergies to a certain chemical present but not indicated. All the people know is that it contains the amino acid L-Arginine, which is needed to produce nitric oxide. Any other component is not indicated.
Real Vigel reviews are rare; in order not to be a scam victim, it is better to go for the product that is certified effective by the government's food and drugs agency. Better yet, avoid this product at all cost; it lacked certified testimonials from users as well as real clinical trials. In order to make the Vigel product to be convincing and create a good impression among women, it is necessary to have a positive review coming from the point of view of an unbiased and independent women user.

It is therefore advisable to avoid this product at all cost. It is better to be safe than sorry. With no components indicated on the labels, no one knows if this product contains toxic chemicals that are known carcinogens. It is better to resort to natural herbal remedies than risk women's health with a product that can be potentially dangerous. Natural alternatives are also good such as massage and aromatherapy.
It is also preferable to choose female libido enhancement drugs that are manufactured by popular and known pharmaceutical companies whose integrity is intact and which products are certified to be of high quality.

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The Mystery Behind Ocular Migraine Causes

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Most scientists believe that the causes of ocular migraines are quite similar to those of a traditional migraine. The only difference is the change in the area impacted by the blood supply. Traditional migraines usually generate from the surface area of the brain, but the cause of ocular migraines is the reduction in the blood supply to the vision center of the brain.
Some of the main causes of ocular migraine include anxiety, chocolates, travel, lack of sleep, bright lights, and artificial sweeteners. Highly sweetened coffee drinks along with other caffeine products have been shown to trigger sever ocular migraines. In fact, a more common ocular migraine cause is a food or environmental trigger - so it's best to try to identify and avoid them. Allergies can also trigger ocular migraines. Additional ocular migraine causes are certain foods, alcohol consumption, medications, or changes in hormone levels due to menstruation.
Do You Have Ocular Migraines?
According to statistics, 28 million America suffer from migraines every year. Most traditional migraines are characterized as having powerful head pains, nausea and sensitivity to light. But did you know that there are 150 diagnostic headache categories? Ocular migraines are only one type of migraine that involves the eyes, with or without an accompanying headache. Image distortion generally begins in the center of the image and then moves to one side. Sight impairment along with images looking "grayed out" may occur. This type of migraine usually starts with the small blind spot within the peripheral vision, and the spot increases gradually over five to ten minutes to encompass the full peripheral portion of the vision, resulting in object fuzziness or complete blindness.
Avoid Ocular Migraines
Make sure that you eat regular small meals as hunger can sometimes trigger the ocular episode. Did you know that stress is leading cause of ocular migraines? With that said utilizing different relaxation methods such as yoga, tai chi and meditation can be helpful in reducing stress.
At the onset of ocular migraine, it can be very disturbing to become slowly blind in one eye, but the key is to keep calm. Find a quiet and dark place, and rest for 20 to 30 minutes. If you suffer from frequent ocular migraines, consult your doctor to identify and then eliminate the causes of ocular migraine. A simple analgesic such as aspirin may provide the immediate relief. Cafergot is the combination of caffeine and tartrate, and is usually quite helpful. Not only does ergotamine treat headaches along with side affects that are associated with them like for example nausea, vomiting, tingling and cramps; ergotamine can also be used to successfully treat migraines.

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MS & Fatigue

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MS fatigue is considered by most of us (MSers) to be the worst part of living with this chronic illness.

It is estimated that anywhere from 85 to 95% of MSers experience MS fatigue at one time or another during the course of the illness. For those of us that live and cope with MS fatigue every day, it doesn't come as a surprise that it is one of the primary reasons for people with multiple sclerosis (MS) to work part-time or quit working.

On really bad days, dealing with MS fatigue is unbelievably difficult and makes even meet the basic needs a huge task.

Most people do not (or cannot) understand what's the big deal with this MS fatigue? But, how do you explain and describe an overwhelming tiredness that makes everything, no matter how small, much more difficult to accomplish.

A really important piece of information that you must know and be aware off is the need to control your body temperature as much as you can. Heat, humidity and warm weather have a very peculiar effect on must MSers.

Learning to control and manage your body temperature is a must if you don't wish to experience, what many consider the most common symptom in MS: MS fatigue.

In layman's terms, the messages that our brain transmits to the rest of our body do not flow smoothly and quickly across our nervous system, as it did before MS. The slowing down of all messages is due to the multiple scars located in the patches were the myelin has been affected by the disease.

MS fatigue affects both motor and cognitive ability:

Cognitive fatigue is the slowing down of mental functions while performing repetitive tasks.

Sometimes, your mind feels like it is stuck on first gear making it almost impossible to respond to a sudden question or accomplish any fast thinking like you used to.

The United States Social Security Administration recognizes the impairment resulting from MS fatigue as a factor contributing to disability in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). One basic criterion used by many doctors to distinguish MS fatigue from other forms of fatigue and the fatigue caused by other multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms, establish the presence of symptoms of fatigue during 50% of the total days in a period of a minimum of 6 weeks.

What does MS fatigue feels like?

Everyone has experienced days when you feel very, very, tired. Right?

The feeling associated with MS fatigue has certain characteristic that makes it unique:

- It happens everyday

- It can suddenly show up even after having had a very good night sleep.

- It tends to get worse as the day moves forward.

- Heat and humidity tend to make it worse.

- It appears suddenly and without any signal or warning.

- It's harsher than what most people experienced when talking about being fatigued and most of the time it gets in the way with normal activities in daily life.

For some folks, there are additional related symptoms, like:

- Your arms and specially your legs suddenly start to feel very heavy. And when I say heavy I mean "cement boots heavy". Taking a short walk to the kitchen from the family room turns into a really challenging task!

- Any problems or difficulties you might have had with your balance, your vision or your speech (slurring) will most likely get worse.

- You'll have a tough time keeping focus and concentrating.

- Unsteadiness and dizziness are very common.

- Headaches.

- You may feel sick, sort like having the flu.

- Strong feelings of depression.

There are many factors causing MS fatigue. They are grouped into: primary fatigue and secondary fatigue.

Primary Fatigue Is the result of the disease process. The basic reason for it is the demyelination in the central nervous system.

This fatigue is best described as an overwhelming feeling of tiredness that is not directly related to increased activity and is also known as Lassitude.

Heat sensitivity fatigue comes from the heat intolerance many of us with multiple sclerosis (MS) experience due to hot or humid weather. Raising our body temperature through exercise or exertion can have the same effect.

There is also something called "short-circuiting" fatigue, where affected nerves of individual muscle groups, such as your legs, tire after a short walk or your hand after writing.

The good news is that the majority of the time we can fight this "short-circuiting" fatigue as well as the heat sensitivity fatigue by putting on a cooling vest.

Secondary Fatigue is not caused directly by the multiple sclerosis (MS) itself, but is a result of multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms or trying to compensate for them.

- Sleeping disorders are common in folks with multiple sclerosis (MS), the reason being frequent spasms, depression mixed with anxiety, pain, and urinary frequency during the night (nocturnal).

- Sleep can also be disturbed by the side effects of certain medications (corticosteroids like Solu-Medrol.

- Need of extra efforts to balance muscle weakness (mainly the legs) that make it more difficult to walk and keep your balance.

- The side effects of some medications can also cause fatigue, including those taken specifically to treat multiple sclerosis (MS), like the interferon family of drugs which are made from beta-interferon (Avonex, Betaseron and Rebif).

- Additionally fatigue can be the resulting side effect of certain drugs used to treat some MS symptoms like Baclofen, Valium and Zanaflex frequently prescribed for the treatment of spasticity or the drugs Klonopin and Neurontin used for pain.

Others include medications for high-blood pressure, allergy medications and others containing antihistamines and anti-anxiety drugs.

Depression could be the reason for your feeling incredibly tired.

- Sometimes, the depression itself is the result of the fatigue and also, several medications used to treat depression can lead to fatigue.

- Lack of proper nutrition also causes swings in blood sugar level leading to general tiredness.

- Lowering of body defenses by infections, urinary tract infections as well as common colds or flue can increase fatigue.

- Not exercising regularly can greatly contribute to fatigue.

Here are 12 ways to combat MS fatigue.

Remember that it is the seemingly insignificant little things that we do every day that makes the difference.

Always remember to read or ask your doctor about any side effects that can cause fatigue from the medications you are taking, including anti-depressants.

Drink lots of water every day. Dehydration opens the door to you feeling tired and drained. You might be one of those folks that doesn't drink water or drink very little, because of the inconvenience over having an over active bladder. I can definitely relate to that, but it's better to deal with the "pain in the neck" of having to look for the nearest bathroom, than dealing with the consequences of dehydration.

I always carry with me a bottle of water and I keep them in the fridge so is nice and cold.

Another plus to doing this, is that water will help you to eliminate toxins in your body. So, don't scrimp on this one and make it a part of your MS diet.

Try to breathe right. Getting used to not breathing correctly and taking short and shallow breaths, will reduce the amount and quality of oxygen going to your cells. As a result you start feeling exhausted very easily.

Start exercising. You have heard it before: doing regular exercise raises your energy levels. So as the Nike TV ads say........Just do it!

Depression causes fatigue. As simple as that so, keep moving forward, and let me add, taking a step back? Not even to gain more impulse. You must come to terms with your new reality, take a deep breath and move forward with YOUR LIFE.

Heat exacerbates any disabilities you might have. Whenever it is too hot outside, I can go from an almost normal, everyday, walking to barely being able to stand so, if I don't pay attention to my body I can get in trouble. That is why I use a coooling vest and take up to 3 cold showers during really hot days.

Variety is the key here. Try changing your daily routine or better yet, make new plans for your future. Start learning something new, another language perhaps or that thing you always wanted to learn about, write that book you dreamed of writing. It does not matter what it is, everybody needs variety in life.

MSers like us, have leg spasticity, cramps or frequent late night trips to the bathroom that keeps us up at night. Try getting as much rest as you need. A good place to start is with re-teaching your body to go to sleep every night around the same time. You need to compensate for all those precious lost minutes.

Nutrition is very important and controlling your weight will help you deal with fatigue. Start your MS diet and with the right exercise routine, you will start to feel the difference.

Learn to conserve your energy by learning to pace yourself. You can start by planning and following your plan or your prioritized To-Do list. It is just as important to have a balance in life, as it is to balance your fatigue. Prioritize the things you want or need to accomplish and learn to manage efficiently your energy.

Do not skip breakfast. When you wake up every morning, the sugar level in your body is at the lowest so grabbing a good breakfast will definitely give you an energy boost. Not eating anything in the mornings will most likely contribute to you feeling fatigue early on during the day. An excellent source of energy is inside foods rich in iron. Add fortified cereals, beans and more fish to your MS diet

Amongst the most frequently prescribed medications to deal with MS fatigue we have:

Symmetrel (Amantadine Hydrochloride)

Modafinil (Provigil)

Neither one of these medications is approved specifically by the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of MS fatigue.

Each one of them has demonstrated some benefit in clinical trials.

I tried Amantadine (early on my multiple sclerosis (MS)) and Provigil a couple of years ago. With Amantadine I didn't feel any change what so ever - don't forget that multiple sclerosis (MS) is different for each of us - and with Provigil I felt a small improvement on my MS fatigue by raising the level of energy early in the day but it didn't last long. Nowadays my neurologist has prescribed Adderall XR. Most days it is helping me but, as with most things in MS fatigue, it is very hard to put your finger on it.

I am a 46 years old fellow that has been living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for the past 14 years. Totally aware of how tough is for fellow MSers to convey to family members and others what they are going through, decided to try to help other MSers and created a website:

I lived in the United States for almost 15 years and now lived in Managua, Nicaragua with my wife and daughter. By applying many of the tips given on the website, I am living well despite having MS.

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Ultraviolet (uv) Light Air Purification Systems Enable Allergy Sufferers To Find Much Needed Relief

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With several areas throughout the Midwest and Northeast getting freeze and snow through the end of April, much later than is typically experienced, experts predict that allergy sufferers will experience more symptoms. Although many people associate allergies with springtime, the symptoms can be felt nearly year-round-trees scatter pollen early Spring, followed by grasses, and ragweed is particularly prevalent through the Summer and Fall. Additionally, those allergic to mold can suffer throughout the year.

Weather also plays a significant part in the lives of allergy sufferers because wind, rain, and various weather patterns can either wash away the allergens (providing some with relief) or blow them up to 500 miles away and into the next town or city (where other's are susceptible to the potential of allergic reactions). Furthermore, cold weather can either delay the start of allergy season, or jumpstart it, depending on how close the trees and flowers are to releasing their pollen. These factors can make it very difficult to cope with or prevent the symptoms associated with allergies. However, there is hope. Ultraviolet (UV) light air purifiers provide just the relief that allergy sufferers seek, thus, eliminating the need for prescription and non-prescription medications, nasal sprays, and allergy shots which often have side effects that leave you feeling drowsy and unable to concentrate.

Ultraviolet air purification systems vary depending on the brand and technology that is used. For this reason, it is imperative to understand the different options available in UV clarifiers, and how each method cleans and disinfects so that you can choose the UV disinfection method that specifically targets your concerns and is most beneficial to your health.

The first option is air ionization. Negative ions have been proven effective at removing particulates from the air, such as bacteria, mold, dust, and other allergens. Ionization also removes ultra-fine particles that a filter cannot capture such as smoke, viruses, and chemical fumes.

Virtually all particles in the air have a positive charge. However, negative ions that have a negative charge also exist where negative ions and particles magnetically attract to one another. When there is a high enough concentration of negative ions in the air, they attract to floating positively charged particles in large numbers resulting in the particles becoming too heavy to remain airborne. As a result, negative ions will disable the harmful particulates such as bacteria, germs, and chemicals from the air that can trigger allergies, asthma, and other illnesses, thus, preventing the positively charged particles from being inhaled into the respiratory tract where they can trigger breathing and health problems.

The second option is UV air purifier is one that utilizes a germicidal UV lamp to destroy microorganisms like germs, bacteria, viruses, and mold. According to scientists over the last fifty years, the UV rays in sunlight are successful sterilizers of impurities in the air. Therefore, purifying the air indoors with a UV air cleaner is truly a logical and effective solution to improving one's health by preventing allergies, asthma attacks, and the spread of illnesses.

Activated carbon air filters also specialize in capturing and neutralizing chemicals, gases, odors, and cigarette smoke, which a HEPA filter cannot capture. Anti-bacterial pre-filters are also available in some ultraviolet air purification systems. This feature preserves the life of other filters and destroys bacteria by capturing the larger particles before they reach the other filters (i.e. HEPA and carbon activated filters); thus, minimizing the costs associated with replacement filters.

Some UV air purifiers utilize all of the options listed above. Although these are somewhat difficult to find, the results are extremely powerful because they utilize multiple methods of air purification and disinfection to rid the indoor air of harmful particulates that trigger a variety of ailments and health concerns.

Using the power of UV disinfection can alleviate many, if not all, of the symptoms associated with allergies, hay fever, colds, asthma, and other lung and respiratory illnesses. According to the 2004 National Center for Health Statistics, about 18.6 million adults and 6.7 million children have hay fever-an allergic reaction that occurs when the body identifies a normally harmless substance (i.e. pollen or any other allergy trigger) as an invading germ. In response to this, the immune system produces histamine to fight off the "intruder" and the chemical results in the itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, and sneezing that many associate with allergies. By using an ultraviolet air purification system, these symptoms can be eliminated and you can live a healthy life free from medications and costly health related issues.

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Controlling Dust Mites

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One of the most common causes of indoor allergy symptoms is the house dust mite. It's estimated that up to 85% of asthma caseseczema and hay fever tooare caused by the fecal matter and cast-off skins of these little critters. These allergy triggers are only a couple microns in size invisible to the naked eye. They are abundant in almost all homes, with infestations prevalent in bedrooms and in bedding the dead skin cells we naturally exfoliate every day are the food source for these microscopic creatures. Protective measures can be taken to at least limit one's exposure to dust mite populations and to reduce their effect in the home. Here are 10 steps that will help keep your allergy symptoms at bay.

1.) Encase your mattress and pillows with a zippered hypoallergenic allergen barrier that blocks any particles larger than 1 micron in size and that fully encases the mattress and pillow. Doing this will eliminate new mites from populating these areas and will lock in dust mites that are already living there, keeping you free from their allergens.

2.) At least once every week, wash your sheets in very hot water. The water should be at least 130

Boost Your Health with a Stronger Immune System

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A strong immune system means better health. Why? Your immune system is responsible for a number of vital functions that enable you to lead a normal, healthy life. And thankfully, there are unique natural products on the market today that can boost your immune system tremendously.

One such product is called Manna Sachet, a.k.a. Liquid Manna. The Manna Sachet benefits your immune system through the healing powers of dual anti microbial peptide, an amazing peptide that keeps crocodiles healthy even after horrific injuries from fights with one another in the wild. Crocodiles seem to heal remarkably fast, and their wounds rarely become infected. Thanks to Liquid Manna, we can enjoy healthy immune systems as well using this same anti microbial peptide extracted from crocodiles.

Why Is the Immune System So Important?

A healthy immune system helps us fight off infectious diseases such as the flu, HIV, cancer, SARS, varying herpes conditions, etc. It also helps our bodies fight infections that are caused by diabetes, which can lead to serious health complications if the immune system is weak. The immune system helps clear the body of unwanted waste, dead cells and toxic chemicals. It also helps fight off certain allergies and autoimmune problems such as arthritis.

A healthy immune system helps to slow aging, while a weak immune system causes you to be sick more often or for longer periods of time. Prolonged sickness in itself may speed the aging process as it causes the body to grow weaker and more fragile.

If you're susceptible to catching the flu each year, a stronger immune system may help your body ward off the flu virus. Even episodes of the common cold and stomach viruses that cause diarrhea and vomiting can be greatly reduced simply by strengthening your immune system.

Other Ways to Boost Your Health

You can contribute to a stronger immune system by bettering your eating habits. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. These have antioxidant properties and can help your health in many ways. When possible, grow your own produce or visit a local produce stand for the freshest whole fruits and vegetables. Avoid processed foods, sodas, sugary juices, alcoholic beverages and sweets as much as possible.

If you're a chocolate lover, opt for a high quality dark chocolate instead of regular chocolate. Dark chocolate is known for its antioxidant properties. And don't forget those essential fatty acids - Omega 3 (found in many types of fish) and Omega 6 (found in blackcurrant seed oil, sesame, evening primrose, etc.).

Last, but certainly not least...drink plenty of fresh, natural water daily to boost your health and strengthen your immune system. Water should be your main beverage throughout the day. If you don't like the taste of water, try out several brands of natural spring water in the bottle. You'll be surprised at the difference in taste among waters. If you must have tea or the occasional soda, limit these to drinking them with one or two meals per day, but consume plenty of water between meals.

Use these tips and be sure to try a natural immune-boosting product for a healthier you!

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Gas Dryers vs. Electric Dryers

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When deciding to purchase a dryer, you need to make the decision if you would rather have a gas or electric dryer, assuming you have hookups for either one. A special gas hookup is needed for the gas dryer, while an electric dryer generally requires a circuit that is 240-volts. If you are building your own home, you can choose which one you prefer to have installed in your home. Both have benefits of purchasing them, and they both have downfalls as well. Use this guide to determine what the better choice is for you; a gas dryer or an electric dryer.
Dryers are generally affordable, and save you a lot of time doing laundry. Without a dryer, you would most likely have to hang your clothes out on the line to dry. This is not always possible due to weather situations, nor is it helpful in people who have allergies to the pollen in the air. A dryer is easy to use and preferred over hanging clothes on the line. Gas dryers usually cost more than electric dryers. However, they are typically not that much different; only about .00 more to purchase a new gas dryer than an electric dryer.
Many people agree that in the long run a gas dryer can save you money. It is estimated that laundry will cost twice as much to do in an electric dryer than a gas dryer. Throughout the years, a gas dryer will save you loads of money, especially if you have a large family and do laundry frequently. Some of the reason gas dryers cost less to run is because they heat up quicker than an electric dryer. Therefore, it takes less time to dry each load of clothes. The less amount of time it takes to dry an article of clothing, the longer it will last. Gas dryers tend to be exceptionally gentle on clothing as compared to electric dryers.
One issue concerning gas dryers is their safety. If you are purchasing a dryer simply for safety reasons alone, then an electric dryer is the way to go. Anytime natural gas is used in the home, you risk the slight chance of an explosion or a gas leak; both of which are very dangerous. Also, while running a gas dryer, certain air pollutants are released into your home which can affect those with respiratory problems such as asthma. Electric dryers may cost more to run, but is it worth it in the long run to know that your family is safe from the harm a gas dryer could bring?
Dryer parts for either a gas or electric dryer are considerably reasonable. Maintenance on a gas dryer or an electric dryer generally will run about the same price. You need to weigh the benefits and risks of each type of dryer before deciding on which one to purchase. Obviously if it is only about the money, a gas dryer is the way to go. However, if you are most concerned with safety, then an electric dryer is the best selection. Use your best judgment when making your new dryer purchase.
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Natural Allergy Relief For Oak Pollen

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Oak pollen allergy sufferers are quite familiar with the huge amounts of pollen that oak trees produce and the allergy symptoms that occur when oak pollen is high. The oak pollen pods resemble little worms and they release their pollen to be carried by the wind, while the pods fall and accumulate on the ground, almost like orangish-brown fuzzy snow.

During the oak pollen season, the effects of the pollen are everywhere, with cars and windows covered with the orange-brown film the pollen creates. Even pavement where the spent pollen pods accumulate will get stained brown. For those allergic to oak pollen, the symptoms can be severe. Massive sinus drainage, watery eyes, sneezing, and/or coughing will develop that can defy almost any allergy treatment available, at least until the oak pollen subsides.

Severe oak allergy reactions can motivate sufferers to turn to every remedy they can think of, including drastic measures like sterod injections. Some will decide to handle the situation once and for all by starting allergy shots, even though the needles are less than pleasant, without realizing that it often takes years to finally get results.

Many oak allergy sufferers will seek out natural relief from treatments like nutritional supplements, herbal remedies, homeopathy and/or acupuncture, and all of these forms of treatment will provide some degree of temporary relief for the majority of people. But what if there was a way to do more than just suppress allergy symptoms?

What if there was a way to actually get rid of oak allergies and other allergies long-term as with doing allergy shots, but in a way that gets results in days, not years, and doesn't require one to get jabbed with needles? There is in fact a way to accomplish this using "energy medicine" methods.

The most widely-practiced of these natural allergy relief methods is NAET, which stands for Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique. Dr. Devi Nambudripad is a chiropractor and acupuncturist from California who accidentally discovered how stimulating specific acupuncture meridians while being exposed to the allergens one reacts to can reset the body so that it no longer reacts to those allergens.

Since the development of NAET in the 1980's, other similar techniques have been developed, and there are more streamlined allergy elimination methods now in use, but NAET remains the most widely practiced. To be sure, all of the energy based allergy elimination methods are a bit strange, and may seem a bit too good to be true, but in 8 years of practicing ASERT (Allergy and Sensitivity Elimination and Reprogramming Technique, one of the newer, more streamlined techniques based on the principles of NAET), I have seen great success with even the most chronic of allergy sufferers.

Because these techniques are so strange and because I practice in San Antonio, an area where a high percentage of the population is still extremely skeptical of alternative medicine, I do the allergy desensitization on people and let them experience the results before they pay me. I use the honor system with regards to the allergy elimination procedure I use in my office - I do the full allergy elimination procedure and patients pay me after the fact when they are satisfied that the treatment was effective for them. The vast majority send me checks or call me with a credit card number, which I thik is a dramatic testament to the effectiveness of this technique.

The great part about these techniques is that the results occur quickly. For seasonal problems like oak allergies, people may have severe symptoms for a month or two, and are looking for some type of natural allergy relief right away, not something that will take years to be effective like allergy shots, and not something that can have serious side-effects like steroids. Energy-based allergy elimination provides relief within a day or two and does so without the risk of side-effects.

Better yet, the effects of energy-based allergy elimination last for several months to several years because these techniques actually get rid of the allergies, not just suppress allergy symptoms and inflammation. So, oak allergy sufferers can usually go through multiple oak seasons without any problems without ongoing treatment after going through the allergy desensitization.

Although NAET practitioners often claim that the effects of NAET are permanent, which they may be in some cases, it has been my experience that allergies can re-develop, particularly after somone is sick with a cold or flu, or suffers a major trauma during a high pollen season. It appears that the body may develop allergies in a "guilt by association" manner in which an activation of the body's immune system and inflammatory response from something other than pollen may become associated with the presence of a given allergen, thus triggering a reaction to the allergen. In other words, if you catch the flu during a time when oak pollen is high, it is not unusual to develop oak allergies.

In any case, energy-based allergy desensitization is very much for real, and it offers fast, effective natural allergy relief for oak pollen allergies, as well as any other type of allergy (including airborne allergens, foods, and skin-contact allergies).

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Best Fast Food Chain And Fast Food Suppliers In India

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Who doesn't like the world-famous pizzas? Though predominantly an Italian dish, it is relished by people the world over. Your teacher is also going to be delighted by the sight of a hot veg pizza on Teacher's day, especially if it has been made by you. If you want, you can also add an Indian touch to the pizaa, by taking liberty with the spices, according to Indian tastes. Now, go ahead and prepare a peppery Indian veg pizza for your teacher, for wishing her 'Happy Teacher's Day' in style!

Always lift the flour out of the bowl while rubbing; it makes the butter/flour mixture airy.Be careful not to add too much water as the pastry should not be stick to the touch.

While mixing the water to the flour/butter mixture never work the pastry like a bread dough, otherwise you would end up with a stiff, hard and elastic pastry.
Yummy dessert with a peanut crust, peanutbutter/cream cheese layer, chocolate pudding layer, and whipped topping. MMMM From an old Taste of Home. Cook time is for crust. Chill at least 2 hours before serving.

We are confident that there is something for everyone and we are constantly adding new recipes articles and other food and cooking related material. All recipes are published for your convenience and are both suitable and tasty enough to be eaten by anyone without food allergies, as part of a normal diet.
Steamed to a light, fluffy texture, it readily absorbs the delicious, aromatic sauce. Chocolate Puddle Pudding is a delicious oven-baked pudding separates while baking to produce a gooey chocolate sauce under a light, spongy crust. Serve it hot, well dusted with cocoa powder and with plenty of whipped cream. A rich pudding, grand enough for a dinner party, combining the texture and flavor of pecan nuts with chocolate and maple syrup, served in a chocolate pastry case.

Cookies are now eaten any time of the day - coffee breaks, as a snack, for dessert, and even given as a welcoming gift.
The arrival of immigrants from all over the world has had an enormous impact on the variety of cookies now made and enjoyed in the United States. Our most famous cookie, the chocolate chip, is of our own invention. Around 1930 Ruth Wakefield, who owned the Toll House Inn in Massachusetts, decided to cut up chunks of Nestle's Semisweet Yellow Label Chocolate bar and add them to a rich butter cookie dough. The Nestle company discovered her delicious cookie and made a deal for the rights to her recipe.

Too much sugar can cause a cake to crumble when cut, while too little sugar can make a cake tough. The best cake recipes have a good balance of ingredients.

Using a pan that is too big for the amount of batter you have can cause it to overbake and become dry. The pan should be filled from half to three-fourths full.

Finally, check your oven temperature with an oven thermometer. If the oven temperature is too high, your cake could be dry. Overbaking could also be a culprit. Check your cake for doneness at the lower end of the baking range.
Thanks to this experience and a flat corporate structure, Drycake is able to foresee and respond to our clients' needs in an effective and timely manner.

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Monavie Juice - Super Food Or Acai Berry Scam?

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You got it, another MonaVie juice review. But I'll wager that this mlm review of Monavie juice is destined to be just a tad bit different from most of the others you've read, since it's going to come from a very distinctive pont of view. If you want candid talk from someone who has actually had personal experience both as a drinker of Monavie and as a Monavie representative, then you are certainly in luck, because that is precisely what you're going to get right now.

Let me be painfully transparent hereI am no longer affiliated with Monavie in any way. And no, I'm not some bitter, failure ex-rep either. Just remember here, in this mlm review, I'm only going to be talking about the Monavie juice; not the company or the pay plan or the business building methodsonly the juice. And you're going to receive a very truthful, forthright review from someone who drank it for just about a year. So let's get to it.

Before we examine each Monavie juice individually, let's take a look at the "star ingredient" in all of Monavie's products, the acai berry. While each one of the three Monavie juice blends include 19 different fruits that all provide exceptional health benefits, it's irrefutable that acai berries are the stars of the Monavie show, and with good reason. The reason there is such a great deal of hype about the acai berry and acai berry drinks and pills is that there are a ton of scientific studies that confirm the nutritional value of this superfood. There is no room for doubt as to the benefits this fruit provides for your body.

One of the main reasons for the popularity of Monavie juice is their exclusive freeze-drying process that provides a quality of acai powder unsurpassed in the industry and one that *"boasts an ORAC score (a measure of antioxidant power) higher than any other fruit or vegetable tested to date, on a gram-for-gram basis," according to the Monavie corporate site. As you have probably already determined, all methods of processing acai berries are not created equal, so therefore all acai berry products are not created equal. In fact, many acai products downright give that little berry a bad name, as they were harvested and processed in such a way as to virtually strip all of the valuable nutrients and polyphenols (an impressive family of antioxidants that assist in neutralizing the damaging effects that free radicals can wreak on your body) right out of the acai berries, and turn them into something that is pretty much useless.

The quality of the acai berries in each Monavie juice is definitely one of the places that Monavie shines, so they pretty much get 5 stars for quality, and I think you'd be fairly hard pressed to argue against that. So how about the health benefits that Monavie drinkers rave about? Now understand clearly here that the company makes no medical claims about their product. If they were to do that, the product would be placed in the category of a drug and would then be subject to the control of the FDA. Instead, like all of the other health and wellness supplement companies out there, they can merely offer broad benefits along with the scientifically proven value of the antioxidants in their products.

With that small disclaimer out of the way, you can indeed find literally thousands of testimonials concerning the health benefits of all three of the Monavie juice blends. If you want to read some of those, just type "Monavie testimonials" in a google search window and you'll get more than 800,000 results to check out. Given that you have access to all of that info yourself, I'm only going to share what drinking Monavie Active did for both me and my husband Clint while we were drinking it.

Both of us began to sleep better nearly immediately, which was a great blessing for Clint since his back has wakened him several times a night for years. After only about a week of drinking Monavie Active, Clint additionally became aware of a huge decrease in his back pain, which has pretty much been an issue all of his adult life. And both of us experienced a great deal of relief from our seasonal allergies, which ever since we've moved here to central Texas became progressively worse.

As for me personally, I put up with mild joint problems and constantly struggle with both my weight and my energy. For the year (give or take) that we drank the Active blend of Monavie juice I virtually had no joint pain, cut way back on my coffee drinking, had oodles of energy, maintained my weight in a range I was happy with, and felt great! Clint drank 2 ounces day and evening, and I drank 3, but truth be told, we both enjoyed the taste and how it made us feel to such an extent that we would have drank it by the glassful had we had the funds to do that at the time. We simply loved it. So I'd personally have to award it 5 stars for both taste and health benefits as well. However, I do recognize that everyone's body is unique, and everyone experiences different results at various rates. And I'm certain I don't have to mention that everyone has unique tastes.

(F.Y.I., in case you're wondering why we no longer drink Monavie juice or are with the company, that's a matter that I'll discuss in another article that focuses on the Monavie opportunity. Since this review is strictly about the juice itself, I'm not going to talk about that here.)

All right, let's take a quick look at the different kinds of Monavie juice blends that Monavie offers. When I was part of the company, they only had Monavie Original and Monavie Active, but since then they have added to their product line, so lets examine what each of the three acai juice blends provide along with the all natural "energy drink" they now offer. According to the Monavie corporate site, all three of the Monavie juice blends has *A

Take Levothroid Generic Levothyroxine If You Are Suffering From Thyroid Disorder

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Levothroid containing Levothyroxine sodium, is used to treat Hypothyroidism in infants as well as adults. Due to low secretion of the thyroid hormones L-triiodothyronine [T3] and thyroxine [T4], Hypothyroidism occurs, slowing down the functioning of the body. Generic Levothroid sets right the hormonal imbalance in the body and cures memory or sleep disorders, certain heart problems, depression, or increased blood pressure caused by a short supply of T3 and T4. Levothroid treats other types of thyroid disorders as well.

Generic Levothroid is administered as hormone replacement therapy when the two key thyroid hormones; triiodothyronine [T3] and thyroxine [T4] which is the more active hormone get depleted, slowing down the body's metabolism. Low thyroid production, or Hypothyroidism, can affect memory, cause sleep disorders, certain heart problems, or a slight increase in the blood pressure. The medicine is used to treat other types of thyroid disorders, besides helping in the growth of a normal and healthy fetus if timely treatment is given to a pregnant mother who is suffering from Hypothyroidism. If left untreated in pregnant women, Hypothyroidism can affect the IQ levels of the unborn fetus.

It is estimated that half of those afflicted by this ailment, inherit it, while approximately one-third of individuals with the Turner syndrome also have this disorder. Hashimoto's Thyroiditis also results in this condition. Diseases of the thyroid occur more in women than in men, while older people are more prone to falling prey to this ailment.

If you have been detected with Hypothyroidism, the endocrinologist/physician besides wanting your detailed medical history and the medicines prescription and OTC drugs including nutritional supplements and herbal products taken by you will also want to know if you have any heart or coronary artery disease, history of blood clotting, diabetes, anemia, epilepsy, osteoporosis, or any problem with your adrenal/pituitary glands. Also inform the treating doctor if you have any allergy to any medicine, food, chemicals, or preservatives. If you are required to undergo a surgery while taking Levothyroxine, inform the surgeon/doctor that you are on this drug. If you smoke, you will have to abstain from smoking, as this could lead to further complications.

Generic Levothroid is given as a single dose, which is individualized, according to age and weight. Since it's a single dose, you are unlikely to miss it; if you do miss it on one day, do not double the dose on the following day, but if you miss the dose on two consecutive days, then consult the endocrinologist. Babies and small children may have difficulty in swallowing the Levothroid tablet if the medicine has to be given to a small child, you can crush the tablet, mix it in a spoonful or two of water, and immediately feed it to the child with a dropper. The mixture should not be stored.

Fatigue, muscle-ache, slow heartbeat, weight gain, dry skin, constipation, puffy face, thickening of skin, sensitivity to cold, rough or grey hair, or loss of hair are amongst the common side-effects of Levothroid. These symptoms often disappear as the body gets used to the hormone therapy. However, if these symptoms become severe or persist, or any other unusual symptoms occur including changes in the heartbeat, difficulty in breathing, chest pain, insomnia, weight loss, diarrhea, intolerance to heat, excessive sweating, hives, skin rash, fever, or a change in the menstrual cycle, then contact your physician immediately or seek emergency help.

Levothroid is available in various brands, each having a different strength of Levothyroxine sodium: Do not change the brand on your own, just take the dose prescribed to you. Under-dosage or an over-dosage of the medicine can be harmful; don't share your medicine with anyone else either.

This medicine has to be taken on an empty stomach, with a gap of at least 30-60 minutes before eating your breakfast. It should be stored at a room temperature between 15oC-30oC [ideally 25oC], away from moisture, heat and light, children and pets.

Levothyroxine sodium cannot be given to those who have had a heart attack, or if they suffer from thyrotoxicosis [another kind of thyroid disorder], or an adrenal gland problem that has not been controlled by treatment. It interacts with anti-epilepsy and anti-diabetic medicines. There are a large number of drugs with which Levothroid interacts as well as certain foods: soybean flour [infant formula], cottonseed meal, walnuts, and high fiber foods have to be avoided as these do not let the body absorb Levothyroxine completely. Drugs including Antacids which contain aluminum, sodium polystrene sulfanate, sucralfate, calcium carbonate, ferrous iron supplements, and cholesterol-reducing drugs should be taken 4 hours before or after Levothroid, so that your thyroid medicine can be fully absorbed.

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease, and results in hypothyroidism, apparent in an enlarged goiter, that can be painful, and stunted growth in children/adolescents. This disease shuffles between hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, so weight loss is replaced by weight gain, diarrhea by constipation; other symptoms include: changes in the heartbeat, sensitivity to cold, muscle/joint pain, infertility, hair loss, insomnia, anxiety, or depression.

The Turner syndrome, a very common chromosomal disorder in women, occurs when 1 of the 2 X chromosomes is missing or functions abnormally. Such women are short statured, have swollen hands/ feet, low-set ears, broad chest/neck, upturned nails, or drooping eyelids. They're liable to have amenorrhea, non-working ovaries, sterility, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, diabetes, congenital heart disease, vision or hearing problems, and other autoimmune diseases.

Levothroid is also used to treat hypothyroidism as in Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and individuals with Turner syndrome.

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Heal the Body With Natures Natural Healer Bee Propolis

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Bee propolis is considered to be both Mother Nature's fight and healer. Another nutrient made by the honeybee, bee propolis has the ability to provide the body with protection against infectious invaders. Bee propolis also promotes healing, regenerates tissue, and provides a superior source of energy and endurance. Bee propolis is a resinous substance that is gathered by honeybees from the bark and leaves of deciduous trees. This sticky material allows bees to very effectively seal hive holes and cracks. Bee propolis acts as a natural glue and is used by the honeybees to provide exterior protection to the hive against the invasion of any outside contaminants. This substance is purposely placed by bees into areas that lead into the hive in order to prevent intruders. It is also used to sterilize any bees who brush against it from infection.

The ability of bee propolis has been recognized by cultures all over the world to fight infection, promote healing, and support immune function. The Soviet Union used this substance during World War II for the treatment of battle wounds. The use of bee propolis became widespread in the Soviet Union in order to treat infection, where it gained the title "Russian penicillin." In fact, propolis is believed to be the most powerful natural antibiotic.

There are nineteen substances included within bee propolis. These include a number of substances that belong to the flavonoid family, such as betulene and isovanilin. With the exception of vitamin K, propolis is known to possess all of the vitamins. Of the fourteen minerals that are required in the body, propolis contains all of them except sulfur. Propolis also contains a number of unidentified compounds that work together to create a perfectly balanced and nutritive substance. This fact is very similar to other bee substances like royal jelly and bee pollen. Bee propolis contains sixteen amino acids. Additionally, it has the following properties: antibacterial, antiviral, antibiotic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant.

Bee propolis is able to energize the body and also restore vigor and stamina. It helps to stimulate the thymus gland. An underactive thymus gland is believed to be the cause for weakness and fatigue in a lot of individuals. For this reason, propolis is an excellent supplement that can be used to act as a preventative agent for this problem. In addition, propolis can be used to help with the following conditions, along with many others: allergies, bruises, burns, cancer, herpes zoster, fatigue, sore throat, nasal congestion, respiratory ailments, acne, skin disorders, sunburn, shingles, flu, colds, coughs, ulcers, and wounds.

Bee propolis is available in a variety of forms, including tablet, capsule, ointment, powder, extract, cream, lotion, and other cosmetics. This substance is available as a nutritional supplement in health food stores and also online. It is also found to be in small quantities in honey.

You can find bee propolis at your local or internet vitamin store in capsule or liquid form. Always choose name brands like Premier one to ensure quality and purity of the product you buy for getter health and wellness.

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Easy Home Remedy For Pink Eye

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Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, is swelling and redness of the membranes (conjunctiva) on the inner parts of the eyelid and the eye surface. Pink eye is very common. It is usually not serious, and often goes away in a few days without medical treatment.

Calendula: Calendula an antiseptic is very effective against itching and inflammation. It is generally used for eye washing.

Jasmine Flowers: Jasmine flowers soaked in distilled water for overnight can be used as eye drops will work as magic for pink eye, especially for eye having yellow discharge. Honey: Putting honey drops mixed in warm water in effected eye is also an effective pink eye remedy.

Sea Salt -- Put a teaspoon of sea salt in one cup warm water and stir until dissolved. You can use an eye dropper and put two to three drops of the saline solution you have created directly into your eye or you can use a cotton ball. Saturate the cotton ball and place it on your eye allowing the water to run into your eye. This is a tried and true remedy that has been used for many years and is still a staple in England.

Since tea contains bioflavonoids that can help to ward off infection and reduce inflammation, many people use moist or partially used teabags as a home remedy for pink eye by placing the tea bag over their eye.

Eyebright tea, green tea, or black tea can all be used for this purpose. Repeat this treatment several times a day. Teas containing tannic acid, such as green and black teas, are also particularly good for soothing the annoying itch that usually comes with pink eye.

Steep 2 tablespoons of dried calendula (also called pot marigold) in 1 cup of hot water (covered) for about an hour. Allow to cool. Take a square of cotton, dip in the tea, place some drops in eye and put cotton over eye for about 10 minutes. Use as needed. Refrigerate the remainder and use next day same way. No stinging, no burning, very soothing.

The following foods are a great addition to any pink eye sufferer's diet: cucumber, tofu, eggs, clams, and water chestnuts. These foods are especially beneficial to eye health. Chamomile however, can work miracles and is an easy home remedy for pink eye. I suggest buying some pure chamomile tea bags and brewing yourself some tea. When the tea bag has cooled place it upon your infected eye and watch your pink eye improve steadily over the next 4-5 days.

Non-infectious pink eye does not need to be treated unless it's really bothering you. If the allergies are interfering with your life, be sure to see your doctor to discuss these problems. Infectious pink eye, on the other hand, need to be treated right away to prevent blindness and other eye problems. You can use a home remedy, or you can see your doctor who will most likely prescribe some eye drops and maybe even an antibiotic to you.

The standard medical convention of treating conjunctivitis is with anti-biotics or anti-allergens. However, due to the overprescribing and over-proliferation of anti-biotics and anti-allergens, we have built up a moderate resistance to those medications.

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Bad Reviews Of Dyson Vacuums

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We confess that many times shopping for most things can be boring and difficult. If you are thinking about purchasing a Dyson vacuum, or a vacuum cleaner in general, then you have a lot of items to decipher. Because of technology, a lot of things are better than ever. Quite naturally, there are new models that compete with older items. Dyson vacuums have very good ratings for being durable, advanced in technology and being very intelligent, which is quite naturally a very large part of their vacuum line success. If you have issues related to air quality and sensitivities, then you may want to take a look at what they have to offer. We will give some good reviews on Dyson's varied line of vacuums.

The impressive thing about the Dyson DC14 All-Floors Cyclone Upright Vacuum is that it can be used in a variety of cleaning situations. You will find the motorized DC14 brushbar able to handle any kind of bare floor. The primary benefit of their Root Cyclone System is it will give you a constant suction cleaning power all the time. The dust bin in this unit is just under one gallon, and emptying it is easily done and very fast, too. The special design in the HEPA air filter will make sure that the air put back into your home will be free of air pollen and other allergens.

You will discover that the Dyson DC28 is very good for cleaning up pet dander and pet hair. The DC28 is superior for cleaning those hard to reach places as a result of the mini turbine head design. The ergonomic attributes with his vacuum cleaner comes from the fact that the simple to use buttons that it has. There are even automatic controls that adjust the brush bar depending on carpet pile. This same attribute will turn off the brush bar according to the surface of the floor. The DC28 comes with a telescopic wand that will extend up to 16 feet, and the power cord is a whopping 35 feet long.

The Dyson DC14 Animal Cyclone Upright Vacuum Cleaner has a telescopic wand that can expand to an amazing 17 feet. The wand will extend by pushing the button. The DC14 uses an improved design of a mini turbine head for getting the type of suction power that can rid your home of pet hair and dander. There is a low reaching tool that lets you vacuum in low places such as under your bed and under furniture. This is a general place for dust and debris to pile up. The air low nozzle design is innovative because it pushes air onto the carpet so that it will be pulled apart and easier to vacuum up.

We hope our Dyson vacuums reviews were helpful for you even if they are brief. You can get the basics about specific models and then do comparisons for your specific needs. We think you should try the Dyson line of vacuums even if you don't have asthma related issues or allergies. Simply put, these vacuums were designed for people with allergies so you know that they will do a wonderful job.

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Eczema Diet: How to Heal Yourself From The Inside

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An eczema diet can be adopted for healing yourself from the inside. It is a great alternative or complementary measure to using topical steroids,. Topical steroids are conventional treatments that you have probably been using. While these applications can help provide you with instant reliefs from itching, they are also known to produce various long term side effects. As such, you should not use steroids over a prolonged period of time. In any case, steroids can only treat your symptoms and do not cure you. Your eczema symptoms may subside and recede but you may get another outbreak some time later. Most eczema sufferers suffer from periodic attacks throughout their lives.

You suffer both physically and emotionally from having eczema. During a severe outbreak, your skin becomes red, irritated and inflammed. Your eczema can also become weepy, and with pus coming out. With your physical appearance affected, you feel depressed and withdraw from all social activities.

Stopping yourself from scratching an itch can be difficult to accomplish. In your desperation, you may be lured by the dozens of creams that have been touted on the web as cures. However, you will be sadly disappointed to find out that many of these are gimmicks. Some of these creams also secretly contain steroids, ingredients that you had wanted to use less of.

I have tried so many remedies but nothing beats going on a healing eczema diet. It is one that essentially involves the following 4 factors: eliminating trigger foods, cleansing to remove toxins, correcting vitamin and mineral deficiencies as well as eating well to promote healthy digestion.

Eliminating eczema trigger foods. Atopic eczema is often linked to food allergies. Foods that commonly cause reactions include shellfish, dairy, wheat, peanuts and eggs. You would need to find out what specific foods you are allergic to, as you respond differently to another eczema sufferer. Going on an eczema diet that involves not taking foods that you are allergic to, can be extremely helpful.

Removal of toxins. Natural health experts are of the view that eczema is actually a sign of high toxicity of the body. Toxicity of the body develops due to the unhealthy foods that we eat, polluted air that we breathe in and the harsh chemicals that we expose ourselves to. Problems occur when there is an overload of toxins being ingested. The organs that are involved in the removal of waste such as the liver, kidney and colon, cannot cope and start to slow down. Toxins that accumulate in the bloodstream then cause your eczema symptoms. A cleansing eczema diet is needed to help detoxify and assist in the removal of excess waste. It is important to give your body a chance to remove the excess toxic materials so that it can then repair itself.

Correcting vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Eczema can also be a sign that you lack essential vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are necessary in the formation of healthy skin. A deficiency in these nutrients would cause dry, cracking skin that takes a long time to heal. Normally found to be inadequate in eczema sufferers, essential fatty acids, for instance, help to give skin its elasticity. Obtaining these nutrients from natural sources of foods or through supplementation is needed for a healing eczema diet.

Eating well. All the years of eating highly processed and convenience foods with little nutrition may have robbed you of the necessary vitamins and minerals that you needed for optimum health. Instead, switch to consuming whole and organic foods for your daily eczema diet, to prevent dry skin ever again.

Steroids can only treat you at the skin and symptomatic level. It is best that you consider a healing eczema diet that can help you a more complete recovery. Healing from the inside not only benefits you with better looking skin, but also rewards you with more energy, fewer allergies, as well as a better immune system.

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The Nakshatras And Ayurvedic Dosha

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Ashwini (April 13 to April 27) : Ashwini reflects the natural qualities of vata: action, sensation, perception, inspiration, communication and enthusiasm. Vata people tend to be of a nervous disposition. They are extremely active with lots of energy to expend. They have short attention spans and generally live on their nerves. They have to watch out for stress.

Bharani (April 27 to May 11) : Bharani reflects the dosha of pitta or the fiery quality. Bharani are active, motivated and hot-tempered. They tend to be creative, knowledgeable and intelligent. Bharani are full of heat and passion, but they have a tendency to burn out quickly. They need to calm their temperament with cool colours, food and places.

Krittika (May 11 to May 25) : The Krittika dosha is kapha. They are philosophical, calm, and have patient natures. Krittika's ability to remain calm in the face of great adversity makes them exceptional commanders and leaders. However, laziness and weight management can be a problem.

Rohini (May 25 to June 8) : The Rohini dosha is kapha. Kapha signifies the water quality. Water is necessary for sustenance. These people are emotional and sentimental. Rohini can become too entangled in their emotions and this can create difficulties for them. They may also have problems with their weight.

Mrigasira (June 8 to June 21) : Mrigasira reflects the dosha of pitta, the fiery quality. They are intelligent, perceptive and discriminating. They have a fiery intellect and are natural leaders, but they can anger very easily. Mrigasira people are active and motivated. They tend to be creative, knowledgeable and intelligent. They can burn out quickly.

Ardra (June 21 to July 5) : Ardra reflects the natural qualities of vata: action, agility and conflict. They are perceptive and inspirational. They are extremely active with lots of nervous energy to expend. Ardra have short attention spans and generally live on their nerves. They have to watch out for stress. They can be unrealistic and need to keep themselves grounded. Ardra are sociable people. Ardra love heat and warmth, and should avoid cold places.

Punarvasu (July 5 to July 19) : Punarvasu are perceptive, enthusiastic and inspirational. They are extremely active with lots of nervous energy to expend. They have short attention spans and generally live on their nerves. They need constant mental stimulation and activity in order to keep interested. Punarvasu have a lower resistance to disease, and need warmth and comforting food in order to calm their over-excitable nature.

Pushya (July 19 to August 2) : Pushya reflects the dosha of pitta, the fiery quality. Pushya are intelligent, spirited and warm. They are decisive and action-orientated. They are creative, knowledgeable and intelligent. They have a tendency to burn out quickly. They need to calm their temperament with cool colours, food and places.

Ashlesha (August 2 to August 16) : Ashlesha have philosophical, calm and patient natures. They are emotional and sentimental. They are able to retain knowledge and are practical in outlook. Under Ashlesha, they can learn to be calm in mind, although, at times, this can lead to mental inertia.

Magha (August 16 to August 30) : Magha is kapha. They are emotional, calm and philosophical. Magha's kapha dosha makes them appear calmer than they really are. They have large frames and a tendency to put on weight, sometimes as a result of comfort eating. When Magha feel under extreme stress, they resort to food.

Purva Phalguni (August 30 to September 13) : Purva Phalguni reflects the dosha of pitta, the fiery quality. Purva Phalguni are warm and loving. They are creative, knowledgeable and intelligent. They are passionate and sensuous. They are ambitious and they work very hard to achieve their desires. Purva Phalguni need to be careful as they have tendency to burn out quickly. They are vital and aggressive. They need kapha or vata partners who can absorb their intensity and fire.

Uttara Phalguni (September 13 to September 26) : Uttara Phalguni's dosha is vata, but their nervousness may not be immediately apparent. They look placid and calm from the outside, but they will become vata when things do not work out as they should. They can live on their nerves and can get stressed quickly. Uttara Phalguni need to have well-planned schedules. They need security and stability. Sudden changes in their life can make them ill.

Hasta (September 26 to October 10) : Hasta is vata, reflecting the natural qualities of action, agility, and conflict. Hasta people often suffer from nervousness beneath their calm exteriors and are always trying to control their anxieties. This can stress them out very quickly. Hasta have to learn to stay calm. Yoga, or any kind of physical discipline that addresses both the mind and the body, will be good for Hasta. They need to express their vata energy.

Chitra (October 10 to October 23) : Chitra are leaders: they are dynamic and full of energy. Chitra are ambitious and driven to make a mark in society. They are generous, creative, knowledgeable and intelligent. They can also be passionate and sensuous. Chitra do not recognize their own fallibility and can be short-tempered. Chitra have the capacity to burn out if they do not pace themselves properly.

Swati (October 23 to November 6) : Swati's kapha nature makes them calm and philosophical. Swati can be very placid in the competitive world. This makes them good industrialists and business people; they will remain calm whatever the crisis.

Vishakha (November 6 to November 19) : Vishakha are calm and patient even when life can be full of turmoil. So much is changing around them, but their kapha nature helps them to deal with it.

Anuradha (November 19 to December 2) : Anuradha are charitable, aesthetic, learned and bright. They can be hot-headed and short-tempered. They are energetic, forceful, charismatic and stimulating. They are leaders and innovators. Anuradha are ambitious: they will work hard to achieve their goals. Pitta people usually find it difficult to delegate and end up taking far too much responsibility.

Jyeshta (December 2 to December 15) : Jyeshta reflect the natural qualities of vata. They are active and always on the go, tending to live on their nervous energies. They can experience allergies and breathing problems and can get stressed easily. Jyeshta need plenty of nourishing food and comfortable surroundings. They may appear to be self-assured and calm on the surface, but underneath they are a mass of nerves.

Mula (December 15 to December 28) : Mula reflect the natural qualities of vata. So much change has taken place in the psychology of Mula that they tend to live on their nerves. The new realities mean they have much to experience and understand. Their minds are greatly activated and they find it difficult to relax.

Purva Ashadha (December 28 to January 11) : Purva Ashadha are active, forceful and charismatic. They are creative, intuitive and inspirational. They make good leaders, and are ambitious and hardworking. They are fiery in temperament. This fire quality is at odds with their Capricorn personality. Many creative people are born under this sign.

Uttara Ashadha (January 11 to January 24) : Kapha is philosophical, spiritual and emotional, but can be blocked by the emotional mind. They may turn to food or shopping for emotional comfort. Uttara Ashadha are bright, but they need to be careful not to over-indulge, as this can dull their minds and create problems for them in other areas of their life.

Shravana (January 24 to February 6) : Shravana are philosophical, spiritual and emotional. Their emotions play an important role in their life, as they are trying to keep control of them. Shravana have to beware of self-indulgence whether it is allowing themselves to be too emotional or over-eating for comfort.

Dhanishta (February 6 to February 19) : Pitta is the fire in the belly that provides fuel for Dhanishta to operate. They are inspired, active and goal orientated. They want to burn away all that is superfluous from their life so that they are able to move on to the next level of development. Pitta need to be careful to control the fire, or they will burn away even what was useful to them.

Shatabhishak (February 19 to March 4) : Shatabhishak have nervous dispositions. Their restlessness can create both physical and mental stress. This sign is so connected to psychological blocks that vata further aggravates it. The mind is in such a hurry to find the answers, that too much energy is whizzing around the brain. Vata needs to be calmed; otherwise, there may be mental overload.

Purva Bhadra (March 4 to March 17) : Vata is discontentment, inconsistency, and agitation. Purva Bhadra keep their tensions and conflicts buried deep within themselves. They are worriers and fret mostly about worldly issues: the environment, injustice and truth. They will rarely worry about themselves. Every day they can find a new issue to consume their inner energy. They use up their entire fund of resources for the good of humanity.

Uttara Bhadra (March 17 to March 31) : Pitta people are adventurous and determined. Uttara Ashadha use this dosha to take them into the sea of the unknown. Pitta gives them the dynamism to do this. There is no nervousness of vata or the philosophy and laid back approach of kapha. Pitta people use their grit and determination to make the impossible happen.

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A Short History Of Wall Clocks

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As one of the most ancient human inventions, clocks have consistently measured time units that are shorter than natural units, like day, month and year. Shorter intervals need a device, so the clock was invented. Clocks come in many shapes, styles and sizes including wall clocks. These wall clocks can also come in any shape, size or style.

In the thirteenth century, the mechanical clock was invented and this created the method for a continuous process of keeping time. The wall clock works by something called oscillation. The oscillatory process. This process basically has parts that repeat the same motion time and again. It keeps a constant time between repetitions. The oscillator is connected to a controller device which replaces energy lost.

Wall clocks can be electrical or battery powered. They can also be mechanical. Mechanical clocks have a weight attached to a cord and wrapped around a pulley. Since clocks are always running, there are most times a secondary power source. These can keep the clock running temporarily when there is a disruption in the main power.

The most common clock face on a wall clock is the twelve hour scale. This is a circle of numbers or symbols representing the hours. This is broken down into sixty minutes and if the wall clock has a second hand, it also breaks down into sixty seconds. They have tried to use many other styles over the years including the six, eight, ten and twenty-four hour clocks. These however are rarely, if ever used now except for the twenty-four hour clock. This is mostly due to the military using a twenty-four hour scale of time keeping. Wall clocks can also come in digital as opposed to analog described here.

Clocks serve many purposes. Of course, the wall clock is typically made to tell the time. These are usually located in homes or offices and many other places. We wear a small version of the wall clock on our wrist, this is the wrist watch. And when we are out we can see larger versions of the wall clock, usually located on buildings, train stations or churches. Most digital devices we carry also have clocks on them in some form.

While wall clocks are used to tell time, there are other reasons for clocks. These are usually to control a device like an alarm, a VCR or a bomb. Computers use an internal clock as well as display a visual clock on their screen.

Some of the earliest used wall clocks were made for use in schools offices and churches. These were made in Connecticut. The regulator was a favorite among factories and schools because of its split second accuracy. Many jewelry stores kept these in the windows giving passersby the chance to check their watch and get the correct time. The trains also used the regulator to ensure great accuracy with their schedules.

One of the most popular wall clock would be the cuckoo clock. These were usually very ornate, made from wood and typically hand carved. Some of the earliest ones were of German design and depicted animals as well as people. A turntable would spin through the clock, bring out the individual characters and however the clock was set, the cuckoo would come out of its home and announce either the half hour or the hour.

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Benefits Of Using Drafting Stool

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A drafting stool is designed with the main purpose of improving the working conditions of the persons who use such stool. There are a number of benefits that come the user's way by the use of such drafting stool ergonomically designed for ease of work seating arrangements at your work place. The most important benefit is that is help to provide the right kind of support to the body. The back of any person must be positioned at the right angle and at the right place to avoid unnecessary pressure on the spinal cord. These types of specially designed drafting stools help the person to have the right kin of sitting posture when he or she is seated. This stools apart from ensuring the seating comfort of the persons also aids in increasing the productivity of the persons sitting and working in it.

These kind of special seating arrangements are today considered much better than the ordinary chairs. This is possible because it plays a big role in transferring the full weight of the upper body weight in the right areas and positions. It has been found out through a number of research articles that by using these special types of tools it is possible to reduce the risk of developing pains in the back. It also helps avoid numbness to some parts of the back and also the legs because of wrong posture of sitting. This problem can be easily overcome with the help of a good drafting stool ergonomically designed for ease of work. The problem with regular chairs is that most of them are not in a position to provide the right support to your back because of some basic flaws in the design. If you continue using these regular chairs for long period of time can result in a lot of tiredness and fatigue, pain in the back which ultimately leads to hampered overall performance and productivity.

Hence for those who attach lot of importance to the right sitting posture and provide the right kind of support to the back, drafting stool is without the best option. Of the many advantages that come with these stool the biggest advantage is that is allows proper flow of blood to the lower back and also the buttocks. This can play a big role in relieving stress and strain to the back which will ultimately translate into better performances at the work place. Most of the specially designed stools come with a foot ring which helps in resting the feet. It has been proved beyond doubt that unless the feet have a good resting place when you are working in front of the computer or any other gadget, the pressure is bound to fall not only on the legs but also on the back and also on the spinal cord. Not being able to reach your feet to the ground is one of the most common reasons for a number of problems related to the back and the leg. All these problems can easily be avoided with the use of a good and well designed drafting stool.

There are a number of benefits that the user gets by sitting and working in this drafting stool ergonomically designed for ease of work. First and foremost these stools help control the various functions related to lumbar support. If needed, slight adjustments can be made with the help of some well planned and well thought out tension tilts and other such back adjustments. There are many models of such drafting stool that is available and they come in various colors and shapes. So there is one such stool to meet individual customers' requirements. They also come in various materials such as mesh, fabric or leather. They are also available with various sitting options, heights and sizes.

However choosing the right drafting stool is extremely important. Since there are many types of such stools available in the market place, you should take time off and choose a stool that is ergonomically designed and offer the maximum comfort while you are at work. You have to understand the fact that in an office you may be required to work for hours together and hence the seating arrangement should be such that it does not put too much strain on your back, neck and other parts of the body. In today's online environment many people have the habit of buying these stools and chairs from an e-commerce site. This should be avoided and the best option would be to try it out in any good brick and mortar shop. This is advisable because you can try sitting down in such stools and end up choosing a drafting stool that is best suited on you. The internet at best can be used for the purpose of finding out some good stores that could be located near your neighborhood.

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