Avoiding Increased Skin Problems At High Altitude

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It doesn't matter if you are 10, a teen, or a parent, the snow and the mountains are fun for the entire family. The natural settings seem to instantly reenergize even the weariest of souls, while the slopes keep the kids (and grown-ups) entertained for hours.
The only downside is the damaging effect that high altitude can have on our skin. In order to protect against it we need to be informed of the effects the differing climate can have on our skin as well as the remedies available to us. So if you're taking a trip soon, the following is for you.
Altitude has a heavy bearing on its surrounding environment. When in high altitude areas the moisture, humidity, air pressure, and oxygen levels are drastically less. This creates an excessively dry climate that is likely to experience a greater degree of variance between day and night temperatures as compared to low altitude areas.
The extremities of these harsh conditions also have an extremely exaggerated effect on your skin. The most telling of these include the drastically increased risk of sunburn, premature aging, and melanomas due to the stronger presence of UV rays and free radicals in the thinned atmosphere.
Also as a result of the air is usually totally devoid of any form of moisture, there is a markedly increased likelihood of experiencing dry, irritated skin, facial redness, and eczema.
It can generally be factored in that during a holiday in the mountains there will be increased levels of drinking, partying, unhealthy eating, and profuse sweating from a day on the slopes. This all forms part of the life in a ski resort but it is severely influential in both drying and irritating the skin.
If you want to keep your skin looking vibrant and full of moisture and elasticity it is important to bring with you a natural, nourishing lotion or balm on your trip. Natural lotions and balms absorb quicker, and rehydrating without causing horrible irritations unlike many of the chemical based products found on the shelf.

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Understanding the Bee Hive

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Beekeeping and Understanding the Bee Hive

The most important aspect of beekeeping has to do with the hives in which the bees are kept. Over the years beekeepers have improved upon the hives for the bees in order to make honey gathering better. The Langstroth hive is the most generally used in the United States by beekeepers today. It is what is called a movable frame beehive.Get your free mini-course by following the link below.There you will learn all about :city beekeeping, beekeeping hives, starting beekeeping, and beekeeping magazines.

The support structure of the Langstroth hive is a rectangular wooden structure which holds the combs inside it. There are typically 9 or ten of these combs within the frame. Amazingly, there is no top or bottom of the frame.
The combs hang freely within the frame. The combs are made of a sheet of wax otherwise plastic foundation.

The bees are intelligent to produce wax and build honeycomb with using the wax sheets as a starting point. They are after that able to deposit honey and pollen into the cells of the comb. The box is designed to simply be able to remove the frames full of honey to be extracted.

Some hobby beekeepers within the United States are using top-bar hives that are commonly found in Africa.
A top-bar hive has bars across the top of the structure that will allow the honey bees attach and hang wax combs from. Different from the frames that are used in a Langstroth hive, the combs on bars cannot be used again after the honey extraction.
This kind of design results in a poorer production of honey. But the honey from the clear yellow combs Produced in a top-bar hive is of the highest quality. It will be able to be sold as an in-comb honey product.

Regardless of which hive design the beekeeper decides to use, certain factors of keeping these hives on the property have to be taken into considiration. First off, before the beekeeper decides to keep bees on their property they have to do research the local restrictions to keeping bees found in some areas.

They must also consider the amount of room that is available on their property and the position of the hive. The bee hives should not be placed near houses or places that are utilized for recreation.

Bees can be bothersome to some people particularly those who suffer from bee sting allergies. The bee hives too requires to be positioned near nectar and pollen sources in order to provide the bees easy access to a food source. A number of beekeepers use bees solely to pollinate their crops. The hive be supposed to also be positioned close to a fresh water source. This can be a natural water source or something that is supplied by the beekeeper.

An added imperative aspect that ought to be considered when placing a bee hive on one's property is predators in addition to vandals. The hive needs to be sheltered from natural predators like bears and skunks and from human vandals that might be interested in collecting some free honey.

The hive too needs to be protected from severe weather conditions and it needs to be accessible during the year. Although bees are mainly active during definite times of the year, beekeeping is a job that lasts throughout every season of the year.

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Seasonal Allergies and Nopalea

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People who suffer from seasonal allergies often think the only remedy is over-the-counter medication taken on a daily basis. Often, it's even difficult to determine when they should get off the meds and so they stay on much longer than they need to, ingesting medication into their body and spending needless money.

Sometimes people who drink Nopalea Juice find that their seasonal allergies also disappear.

One young college woman was suffering painful headaches as a result of seasonal allergies that cropped up during the springtime. Although she was not convinced Nopalea Juice would help, she thought she'd give it a shot. Despite her skepticism, she was so miserable, she didn't know what else to do.

At first, thinking of using the juice to help with her headaches, congestion, and sneezing and itchy eyes didn't make much sense to her. How could fruit juice help? But she tried it, as she had already had enormous success with another TriVita product, Adaptogen 10 plus.

That product has helped relieve anxiety and panic attacks that kicked in during extremely stressful times at college.

She took the two products together. Within one week of starting to drink Nopalea Juice, her allergies seemed to be gone. This was a dramatic difference from past springtime's, when she would wait months to get over the allergies.

If she starts to feel the allergy symptoms again, she begins to drink Nopalea and it almost immediately works.

Nopalea Juice, made from the Prickly Pear Cactus, is an all-natural drink. It is natural sweetened with agave nectar and fortified with nearly a dozen fruit extract and concentrates, including kiwi, pear, and so on.

The cactus, a native of the Sonoran desert, has been used for centuries as both a food and medicine for people who live in Central and South America. It is even believed that the plant was revered dating back to the time of the Aztecs.

Spanish explorers to the Americas instantly recognized the value of the plant and took cuttings back to Europe with them. The Prickly Pear Cactus is now grown around the world. It is planted and harvested as a crop, and yet also remains a native plant that grows rampant in the desert.

Native South and Central Americans have developed a fondness for the juice of the cactus in its most primitive form. Nopalea Juice takes the plant and makes it a bit sweeter and easier to drink.

The plant can also be eaten as a food. People treat it much like a vegetable. It can be boiled, steamed, fried, grilled, and eaten any way you would cook another type of vegetable. It is also called Nopal Cactus and Nopales Cactus. A popular dish is Nopales and eggs, where the plant is cooked and served with eggs.

Some people like to use the cooked plant in their tacos.

The fruit of the Nopalea Cactus contains special pigments called betalains. These are a powerful and potent class of antioxidants. They are used to flush the body of toxins.

Frank Yocanis has been researching and writing about Antioxidant Supplements for the past decade. He has even traveled to the Sonoran desert half a dozen times to study how Nopalea contains amazing properties that help with all kinds of joint pain, including leg swelling. He is excited to share how this antioxidant-rich drink can change your life.

Frank Yaconis has been studying the health benefits of Nopalea Juice for the past decade. He has even traveled to the Sonoran desert, home of the Nopal or Prickly Pear Cactus to learn more. Find out more at: http://www.nopalea.com.

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Glandular Fever

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What is glandular fever?

Glandular fever is a viral infection. Although it is not a particularly serious condition, glandular fever can be difficult to accurately diagnose due its symptoms being extremely similar to several other fever-like health conditions.

If you become infected with glandular fever it is rare that you will suffer a second bout of the illness in your lifetime. This is because your body's immune system will have developed antibodies which will protect you from becoming re-infected.

The virus that causes glandular fever is called the Epstein-Barr virus.

Although the symptoms of glandular fever can make you feel rather unwell, it is a self-limiting illness. This means that the symptoms ease and clear up altogether after about a week.


Symptoms of glandular fever include:

Swollen lymph nodes in the neck

Sore throat


Muscular and skeletal aches and pains


Tiredness (this can sometimes be overwhelming fatigue)

Weight-loss (due to a lack of appetite)

Puffy eyes

Other associated symptoms which sometimes occur include a widespread rash over the body, jaundice and depressive illness (please see contact details for the Depression Alliance in the Advice & Support section at the foot of this article).


Glandular fever is usually passed on from one person to another through close contact, such as kissing (the virus is passed on through saliva), or through the sharing of things such as cups, glasses and/or food containers that have been used first by an infected person, then by others.

The Epstein-Barr virus is highly contagious and it is not uncommon for an entire family to develop glandular fever after a family gathering, such as a birthday party, wedding or christening where relatives greet each other and part by kissing. It only takes one person infected with the Epstein-Barr virus to be in amongst the group for the virus to spread. This is why, if you do have glandular fever, it is best to avoid all close contact with others unless your symptoms have completely cleared up.


If you are suffering from the aforementioned symptoms and think that you may be suffering from glandular fever, arrange an appointment with your GP. After taking your medical history, asking you some questions about your symptoms, and then carrying out a short examination of your neck to feel for swollen glands, you will then be asked to have a blood test. The purpose of the test is to check for the presence of EBV antibodies.

If a confirmed diagnosis of glandular fever is then made (i.e. based upon the results of the test), an appropriate treatment will be recommended to you.


There is no specific treatment for glandular fever. Your symptoms should clear up within a week. Drink plenty of water and, as we have already seen, it is essential to avoid close contact with others during this time. Also, do not share towels, flannels, cups, glasses, cutlery, toothbrushes or bathroom gargle cups with others during your period of infection.

How Chemist Online Can Help

Through this website we have a range of treatments available to buy which can help ease the symptoms and associated symptoms of glandular fever, such as headaches, sore throat and feverish symptoms.


Advice & Support
Health Protection Agency
Tel. 020 7759 2700
Website: www.hpa.org.uk

Depression Alliance
Tel: 0845 123 23 20
Website: www.depressionalliance.org

This information and advice is not intended to replace the advice of your GP or chemist. Chemist Online is also not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made by a user based upon the content of the Chemist Online website. Chemist Online is also not liable for the contents of any external internet sites listed, nor does it endorse any commercial product or service mentioned or advised on any of the sites.

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Eliminating Airborne Cat Hair--7 Features That Will Make An Air Purifier Effective

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If you love your cat but struggle with cat hair in your air, you are not alone. The best way to effectively remove airborne cat hair is by using an air purifier. The following 7 features will insure that you bring home one that is safe and effective for you and your cat.

1. Removes Cat Hair-While this may seem a pretty obvious point, the reasoning behind it is not. Cat hair attracts all kinds of other smaller pollutants such as household dust, dust mites, pollen, and dander, all of which cause huge problems for anyone with allergies and asthma, and can even cause respiratory problems for those who were previously healthy. So by removing the hair you are also removing many other allergens as well.

2. Remove Cat Dander-While airborne cat hair is a nuisance and breathing it constantly for prolonged periods of time (like all of your cat's life) is unhealthy, it is the protein in cat dander that usually triggers asthma and allergy symptoms such as watery eyes, burning throat, sneezing and the like. This dander or dead skin is invisible to the naked eye, but if you're at all sensitive to it, your nose knows it's there immediately. Because dander is microscopic in size, your cleaner needs a filter that is capable of removing sub-micron size particles.

3. HEPA Filter-Because the dander is so small, the purifier you choose should have a filter that can trap tiny particles you can see and invisible ones that you can't see. By definition a high efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) filter can remove particles as small as .3 microns with 99.97% efficiency. This means that for every 10,000 particles of dander and other household pollutants that can attach to your cat's hair, a HEPA will remove all but 3 of them. That puts the odds heavily in your favor for clean air.

4. On Duty 24 Hours-To be effective your cleaner needs to filter the air 24 hours every day. It doesn't take much to make your cat's hair fly. Everyday activities such as climbing, chasing a ball, or going wild over cat nip is enough to send hair airborne. Your activities also send it airborne when you walk around, sweep or vacuum, or even flop on the couch. Since your cat will always produce and shed hair and dander, your air cleaner should be able to be left on 24 hours to literally keep the hair and dander count down.

5. Safe for All-Your purifier should produce only fresh clean air as a by product (no ozone), and should have a high capacitor motor that is designed to run constantly and will not overheat when left on day after day. It should also be made of steel rather than plastic. Many times when the motor heats up a plastic air purifier it will off gas fumes into the air, and that is bad news for your cat and you.

6. More Than One Filter-Cat hair is relentless and one filter will just not be effective for very long. To avoid frequent filter changes, look for an air purifier that has multiple filters, several of which should be pre-filters. Any cleaner that contains prefilters insures a longer filter life. This means less money spent on replacements, and more time enjoying your cat.

7. Filter for Gas and Odor-Having a cat as part of the family comes with some odor. If the purifier you choose has a carbon based filter that can also absorb odors, you will have chosen one air purifier that can multi-task which will save you time and money, while giving you the most flexibility of space in your home. Rather than having to have multiple cleaners to address all the pollutants, having one purifier with multiple filters will mean you have the best possible air purifier for cat hair.

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Low Platelet Count - Itp And The Food Link

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If you have a low platelet count, either from Idiopathic thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) or some other immune system disease, please consider what it is that you are eating.

Besides being aware of all the foods that you should not eat, surprisingly there are some wonderful super foods available which can surely help if you have a low platelet count.

First you should eliminate from your diet all foods that act as irritants to your system. Those which cause inflammation such as sugars, refined grains, saturated fats, fast foods, processed foods and sodas to mention a few. These common, but harmful foods will just aggravate a low platelet count.

Then you need to introduce an abundance of raw, fresh, preferably organic, healthy foods to your diet. There a many super foods available to assist with your ITP and low platelet count. These wonder foods will decrease inflammation and help your body heal, which in turn will increase platelets.

I must stress though that just by eating these super foods to increase platelets, may not work as well as you would like if you don't in fact eliminate completely all of the bad foods in your diet and also take into consideration any other contributing factors that may contribute to your low platelet count, such as a virus, parasites, acute allergies etc.

The following are some of the super foods that will help with your low platelet count.

All food that contains Omega 3's "the king of all fats" these include wild salmon, flax seed oil, cod liver oil. I found these especially useful in overcoming my daughter's ITP disorder. Just why are these so super and why do they help with a low platelet count?

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are not produced by the body, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, increase your ratio of good to bad cholesterol, and may lesson the risk of cancer. Omega-3's definitely boost the immune system and will strengthen it and help build up low platelet levels.

Organically grown tomatoes these nutrient powerhouses are jam packed with antioxidants such as lycopene not commonly found in may other foods, they are also loaded with vitamins and minerals such as potassium and vitamin c.

Berries All berries, especially blueberries, just bursting with phytonutrients that neutralize free radicals (agents that cause inflammation in the body as well as aging and cellular damage), these tasty little morsels pack a punch when you are trying to build up your low platelet count.

Broccoli and Dark leafy greens especially spinach and kale. These vegetables are phytonutrient dense, just loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

These are just a few of the super foods that can help you with your battle against ITP disease and low platelet count.

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Vimax Pills Review: Male Enhancement Made Easy

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If you are looking for a reliable male enhancement pill then Vimax pills are a good choice. Before taking any medication however, it is wise to understand how it works, what ingredients it contains and what steps to take to ensure best results. The following information will help you review Vimax pills to determine if it is a suitable supplement for your needs.

Vimax pills are similar to other male enhancement pills. The ingredients they are comprised of cause better circulation in the body and as a result, enlarged blood vessels in the penis. Improved blood circulation is one of the factors that contributes to enhanced sexual performance. The initial results you will notice with Vimax pills are increased width of the penis coupled with erections that last noticeably longer than prior to taking the enhancement pills. If you are sensitive to any ingredients, you should review the composition of Vimax pills.

Vimax pills are made of all natural ingredients. This results in the treatment being a cheap herbal solution for natural penis enlargement. Natural does not mean the pills are weak or ineffective. Natural ingredients in general can be extremely powerful and specifically the ingredients found in Vimax pills are very strong. It is very rare to have any adverse reactions to the natural ingredients found in Vimax. Additionally, those with food allergies will be pleased to know that the pills contain no wheat products, dairy, sugar or artificial colors. Taking the pills will ensure definite short term results. However, for the best long term results it is advisable to do specialized exercises in addition to taking the pills.

You can enhance the results of Vimax pills by doing certain enlargement exercises simultaneously to taking the pills. The penis exercise is known to improve pelvic floor strength which in turn will improve penis size and sexual performance. Penis exercises are performed by tightening the muscles that control urination. You can do these exercises while seated or lying down. An effective way to do these exercises is to stop the flow or urine in the middle and count to ten. Doing this several times each time you urinate will help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and will enhance the effects of the Vimax pill.

Now that you have some information about Vimax pills, you will be able to decide if it is the best male enhancement pill for your needs. The benefits of this medication is that the ingredients are both natural and cheap and the effectiveness of the pills, along with your sexual well being, can be further enhanced by doing penis enlargement exercises.

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8 Smart Ways To Keep Baby's Clothes Looking And Feeling Great

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Do not forget to wash new baby clothes, wash baby clothes in warm water, use mild detergent, wash dirty clothes separately to keep baby's clothes looking and feeling great all the time, always read and follow special instructions, consider using fabric conditioner, avoid tumble drying as much as possible, and iron baby clothes with care.
Parents always give it their best when it comes to baby care. Baby's clothes need special care to keep them clean, looking great and comforting to baby. Read these tips for keeping your baby clothes looking fresh and feeling soft for his tender skin.
Wash new baby clothes
In order to remove the chemicals used to make them look crisp and great at stores, always make it a routine to wash new baby clothes. These chemicals may harm your baby's skin, causing irritations and allergies. Throughout the manufacturing or shipping process, washing will help remove germs from clothes acquired.
Be sure to closely peruse and stick to the instructions
Baby clothes that have special accents like embroidery, sequins, glitter, etc are typical of rock baby clothes, and they need special laundering attention. You can protect the designs on this clothing by reversing it before washing and pressing. To maintain great look and feel of these cute clothes, always be sure to read specific washing, drying, and ironing instructions.
Warm water is best for washing your baby clothes
Experts advise parents to wash baby clothes in warm water. This method kills germs. Parents may wish to soak infant clothing in lukewarm water prior to laundering. By doing this, the removal of stains on baby's clothing will become an easy task.
Use mild soap
Your baby's skin is very sensitive. It is always a good idea to use a mild detergent on baby clothes, to prevent irritating baby's skin. A handful of laundry detergents are too intense, and they often lead to rash and allergies for some people. There are a number of laundry soaps specifically for baby's clothing, but it's not necessary to use these special products. Your family laundry soap will do as long as it is not harsh and your baby has no adverse reactions to it. Make sure you also thoroughly wash the detergent off baby's clothes to keep baby's skin protected.
Wash dirty clothes separately
Always wash dirty clothes separately, to keep other baby clothes from getting contaminated with dirty clothing. Make dirt removal easier by pre-soaking soiled nappies and diaper cloths prior to washing them separately from other clothing. Separate clothes with urine from those with food and other stains. The result will be germ-free and pleasant looking clothing on baby's sensitive skin.
Fabric softener may be the answer to your laundry problems
In order to get your baby's clothing to be comfortable, softer and fresh smelling fabric softener may be used. Fabric softener is sometimes built into detergents or it may be bought separately. Take care that your fabric softener does not irritate your baby's skin and look for brands with little or no fragrance.
Don't tumble dry
Tumble drying shrinks most clothes and it might not be a good idea to use it on clothes that are made of special materials. Whenever possible, keep your baby clothes out of the tumble dryer. Use lower heat settings when tumble-drying your dryer-safe clothes as a way to preserve them longer. Some experts also advise that you only tumble-dry for a short time and hang baby clothes to dry completely to keep them in great condition.
Be careful when you press your baby's clothing
Cleaning can get rid of germs on baby's wardrobe, but ironing is way more effective for killing germs, especially for clothes that are hung out on a clothesline to dry in the sun. Ironing your baby's clothes with a hot iron will kill the harmful germs on them. You will help the baby clothes stay fresh and attractive the baby if you don't iron anything with glitter and sequins, garters, or any parts that have designs on them, including embossed designs.
Dealing with your baby's laundry is a part of helping them stay safe from germs, irritations, and allergies. The babies will feel fresh, comfortable, happy and will be truly clean. Ready to rock your world, they will always look their best with their very cute and cool clothes.

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Muscle Twitching and Benign Fasciculation Syndrome

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BFS also known as 'muscle fasciculation syndrome', 'benign fasciculation' and 'fasciculation syndrome' is a disorder of the nervous system characterized by the uncontrolled twitching (fasciculation) of muscle groups in various parts of the body. It may or may not be associated with muscle cramps. Although it occurs more commonly in the muscles of the legs, arms and face, it can occur in any voluntary muscles, including those of the tongue. As its name suggests, it is a benign, somewhat irksome condition that, fortunately, does not progress to a more serious neurological disorder.

The fasciculation may be localized a twitching eyelid for instance or become far more extensive and involve several limbs or even the abdominal muscles. They may be either intermittent or continuous; in fact most people will experience a degree of BFS at sometime in their lives without realizing that they have this condition. For example, a simple facial 'tic' is a localized fasciculation.

However, most individuals will only be aware of the diagnosis of BFS when the symptoms become so widespread and persistent that they seek medical advice.

The muscle twitching found in BFS is similar to that seen in a more serious neurological disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) also known as Lou Gehrig's disease or motor neuron disease. Although fasciculation is a feature of both BFS and ALS that of the former usually ceases when the affected muscle is exercised while the twitching in ALS patients persists whether the muscles are working or at rest. A full neurological examination and electromyography (EMG) are all that are needed to make a diagnosis of BFS and exclude more serious neurological diseases.

Although the precise cause of BFS is unknown it may be associated with several factors including acute viral illnesses, exercise, anxiety or drugs. Some authorities have suggested that insecticides could also be a causative factor as muscle fasciculation is one of the prominent symptoms seen in organophosphate poisoning.

One of the triggering factors in a large proportion of BFS patients is prolonged exercise that is probably related to the higher than normal quantities of free radicals that are produced by the body during exercise.

Free radicals are a by-product of the cell's energy production therefore the longer and more intensely an individual exercises the more free radicals his body will produce. For this reason endurance athletes are subject to free radical overload and oxidative stress. If prolonged exercise is associated with BFS, in all likelihood the cause of the twitching is free radical-induced nerve and muscle excitability.

Although there are no recognized drugs for the treatment of BFS, anecdotal reports suggest that some individuals benefit from either pharmaceutical or natural sedatives. However no clinical trials have been done to show whether or not these products are more effective than placebos.

As prolonged physical activity produces large quantities of free radicals and exercise is such a strong precipitating factor for BFS, oxidative stress is almost certainly one of the underlying pathological factors contributing to this condition.

Therefore it is not surprising to find that there is reliable anecdotal evidence that antioxidant-rich food supplements are effective in treating this annoying, and often distressing, condition.

It is also possible that even those individuals who do not suffer from exercise induced BFS may be under oxidative stress for other reasons and could reduce their symptoms by increasing their daily antioxidant intake.

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Benefits of HVAC System Cleaning

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How fresh and clean is the air you breathe? Think about it, cooking, cleaning chemicals and even your personal care products send millions of tiny particles into the air. Your building's occupants (and even you) shed billions of microscopic skin cells every day. Certain things within your building, that make up your building, such as carpets, flooring, wall treatments, fabrics, and countertops give off their own pollutants, too. If you stop and really think about it, all the air inside your building came from outside the building originally. All the pollens, dust, mold spores, chemicals, even insects - in short, all the air pollution - from outdoors is now indoors. Did your duct work sit outside while construction was underway, waiting to be installed? Then dust, construction dust and dirt, pollen in the air, rain water and even mold could have found its way inside your building from the very first time you used your HVAC system. So, would you like to answer that question again? Just how clean is the air you breathe inside?

Homeowners have known for some time that indoor air quality is important to the occupants' health and productivity. Commercial facility managers can learn a thing or two from these homeowners by knowing the ins and outs of proper HVAC system cleaning and inspection.

Cleaning your HVAC system has several benefits, and not all of them are strictly for your health, either. Cleaning your system can and does remove harmful pollutants from your indoor air, making it better for your health, overall. Cleaning your HVAC also allows it to run more efficiently, saving you money by reducing heating and cooling bills. Lastly, cleaner duct work can result in an overall cleaner building.

While no national standards exist as to when to clean your HVAC system, the National Air Duct Cleaning Association recommends inspecting the handling unit at least once a year, and the ductwork at least every two years. Only regular, routine inspections and cleanings can prevent hazardous conditions from developing.

Your building's HVAC system is everything that heats, cools, humidifies, dehumidifies, filters and distributes the air within the building. The visible portions of this often include the return air grilles, exhaust systems like restroom and kitchen fans, and supply registers. The hidden (or mostly hidden) portions include the return and supply ductwork, handling units and all their parts - mixing boxes, drain pans, fans, filters and humidifiers and/or dehumidifiers - and reheating coils. That's a lot of growing room for microbes, and only thorough cleaning of all the components can ensure the maximum benefits.

A dirty HVAC is a veritable vacationland for microbial contamination. All you need is a food source (the dirt,) moisture (humidity,) and time. Under the ideal (or not so ideal, depending on whether you're a microbe or not) conditions, this growth can spread throughout the entire system, and throughout your entire building. A dirty HVAC system can cause respiratory illness in the building's occupants, aggravate respiratory conditions such as asthma, and worsen occupants' existing allergies. A dirty HVAC can lead to higher absenteeism, and even possible litigation. A really dirty HVAC system can cause your building to suffer from the so-called Sick Building Syndrome.

Cleaning your building's HVAC system can remove the food source for the microbial contamination, eradicating or reducing the microbial colonies. Without the dirt and gunk on which to feed, the microbes cannot live. Without the microbes in the air, the instances of respiratory illness and its accompanying loss of production and absenteeism should drop. Cleaning your building's HVAC system can also serve as a way of establishing a baseline for Indoor Air Quality, so that future monitoring or inspecting can be conducted to ensure your building's (and your building's occupants') health for a long time to come.

Your HVAC system accounts for about 60 to 70% of your building's energy use. According to the Department of Energy a dirty HVAC, especially dirty coils and filters, can increase that energy use by 30%. Can you afford higher energy costs for the sake of some dirt and gunk? Regular cleaning of the coils and filters can save you that 30% increase and provide a way for your HVAC (and your building) to be more energy efficient overall. While the costs of a professional HVAC cleaning contractor can be high, the long-term savings should more than pay for his services.

Perhaps the least noticed, but certainly no less important, benefit of cleaning your building's HVAC system is the impact it will have on your cleaning staff. Cleaner air supply duct work means less dust and dirt in the air to settle on furniture and carpets. More efficiently running exhaust and filtering systems can mean less use of air "fresheners" that distribute chemical pollutants into the air. Cleaner indoor air means less time spent on cleaning the return air grilles and supply registers. In short, cleaner air makes for a cleaner building.

Keeping your HVAC system clean and healthy can benefit everyone, from your building's occupants to your bank account. Isn't it time you looked into just how clean is the indoor air you breathe?

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Allergies That Cause Eczema: Frequent Reasons For An Eczema Flare Up

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Allergies that cause eczema come in several categories. Until you recognize which allergens to stay away from, it is tougher to determine which eczema treatment for babies you will want to implement. Outlined in this article are a number of the common causes that will offset an eczema onset.

Allergies that Cause Eczema #1 Manufactured Materials

Chemicals which can bring about an eczema flare up are innumerable. In a nutshell, anything that you can think of as man made can be placed in this group. These generally can be found in the form of soaps, lotions, and specific varieties of clothing, such as wool. If you discover that your toddler is itching when wearing some clothes or when you are applying particular kinds of creams, chemicals may be the blame. Possible alternatives are cotton garments instead of fleece outfits, or chemical free detergent.

Allergies that Cause Eczema #2 Food

It can sometimes be hard to decide if food is what is causing your baby's itch. Physicians will usually suspect food when no other basis can be identified. Though any kind of food may be the cause for the flare up, medical experts have created a database of typical foods. These kinds include milk, grain, fish and shellfish, eggs, or nuts. If you recognize that when giving your son or daughter foods with the earlier listed ingredients and they get sick a little while after, then food could possibly be the blame.

If you are convinced that certain foods might be the reason for your little one's breakouts, then the right eczema treatment for babies in this scenario is to avoid the foods or find substitutes. This can be a more expensive choice in the beginning, but you will save a great deal more cash in the long run if you can eliminate onset and the chance for skin disorders.

Allergies that Cause Eczema #3 Commonplace Airborne Allergens

No matter if your child is inside or outdoors, there are countless allergens present. These are the most common cause for an eczema onset. If you are going to sweep, you will not want to have your child in the spot you are tidying up. Keeping cats indoors may not be such a sensible idea either. Pet dander can trigger an onset. Be on the lookout for spores or mildew, as these can result in a potential flare up.

By being familiar with the allergens listed above, you can have a greater likelihood of being able to manage you toddler's flare ups and enable your youngster to be more comfortable. While no strategy is going to be just right, the more info about allergies that cause eczema you possess, the more content your son or daughter is going to be.

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Impermeable Crib Covers: Protect Your Children From Dust Mites

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There's nothing more frightening for new parents than the thought that their child may be sick. While most parents do well keeping their child away from common cold and flu germs, not everyone takes into account the affect household allergens may have on a newborn. Common respiratory symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, coughing and difficulty breathing are often examples of allergic rhinitis, or respiratory allergies, and are caused by a simple factor in the child's environment. Dust mites, pet dander, mold, pollen young children can develop allergies to a number of everyday things. Luckily, removing allergens and thus preventing or reducing allergic reactions can be a very easy process. The most important part of the process, though, is knowing what you're up against.

It is important to understand what respiratory allergens are if you expect to protect your child from them. An allergy is an immune reaction to an irritable substance in the child's environment. The child's body views these irritants as dangerous and releases chemicals, such as histamines, that cause uncomfortable and potentially harmful symptoms. While a child may eventually develop immunity to these irritants, untreated or ignored allergic symptoms can lead to such respiratory problems as asthma and emphysema.

The most common allergens are dust mites, animal dander and molds. Dust mites are microscopic organisms that live in carpets and fabrics and feed on dead flakes of human and animal skin. Children can develop respiratory allergies from inhaling accumulated mites in areas that aren't cleaned properly or regularly. Bedding, clothing and comforters should be washed in hot water at least once a week. For additional protection, cribs and beds should be covered with an impermeable mattress encasement. These covers act as a barrier between your baby and allergy-causing dust mites. It is also important to vacuum and dust weekly; a vacuum cleaner with a high efficiency particulate arresting (HEPA) filter helps trap particles normal dusting and vacuuming can miss. It is also important to clean or replace heating ducts, furnace and air conditioning filters whenever they're in use.

Stuffed animals and plush toys can also be a haven for dust mites. Make sure you wash your child's favorite plush toys as often as you would his or her bedding and clothing.

Pet dander is another common household allergen. Unfortunately, the only sure-fire way to protect your child from dander is to give the animal away. This can often be a very difficult and heartbreaking decision, but if your child's allergic reaction is severe it may be the only option. If your child has only a mild allergy you might consider simply keeping the animal well-groomed, shampooed, off furniture and out of the child's room.

Mold is a versatile and particularly irksome allergen. Molds can grow in closets, attics, cellars, planters, refrigerators, showers, garbage cans, mattresses, carpets just about any warm, moist area in the house. Mold allergies are caused by the spores the mold uses to reproduce. These spores can cause significant health problems. The best way to prevent mold growth is to keep the air in troublesome areas of your home dry. A dehumidifier can help keep air dry in the winter, while a good air conditioner can achieve the same effect in the summer. Keeping high-risk areas clean is also importantuse mold-inhibiting disinfectants such as bleach or tea tree oil and water.

Of course, any respiratory symptoms should be checked by your child's physician. Most doctors won't prescribe allergy medication to newborns, especially children younger than six months, but they may have treatment options that better fit your child's specific allergy problem.

It's fairly easy to determine whether your child is going to have a tendency to be allergic. Allergic tendencies are inherited, though specific allergies are not. If either you or your mate is allergic to cats, for instance, your child will have a fifty percent chance of developing some sort of allergy as well, though not necessarily to cats. Allergies also take a while to develop. Newborns may not show symptoms of allergic reactions for a few months; then, suddenly, the child's exposure level to mites, mold or dander will reach its threshold and the child will start to develop symptoms.

Newborn allergies can be a scary experience for parents, especially if you are unprepared for them. The best way to help treat allergies is to prevent them before your child is even home from the hospital. Thoroughly clean and disinfect any areas the newborn will occupy, invest in proper ventilation and vacuum symptoms, and keep clothes and bedding washed regularly and protected with impermeable covers. Taking care of a newborn can bring about a number of unforeseen obstacles, but with proper preparation, common household allergens don't need to be one of them.

~Ben Anton, 2008

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African American Natural Hair Care Products

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African American Natural Hair Care products are very popular because it is now commonly used in the market. When you notice that you have a curly or kinky kind of hair you must start looking for a natural hair care product that suits your hair.

You can use this hair care products like Redken, Carol's Daughter, Ojon, Beauty 4 Ashes Godhead or John Frieda for these products are the best in treating dry and chemically treated damaged hair.

It is well known that these products are the best depending on what type of hair do you have. If your hair type is Caucasian and European, you can use Redken, Max Moisture, Gro System, Beauty 4 ashes Godhead and Paul Mitchell.

For African American types of hair, you can use Carol's Daughter, Silky Smooth, beauty 4 Ashes Godhead, Furthermore, for Black European and Asian Hair types, you can use either one of this product such as Redkin or TIGI.

Always pick the right choice of product if you want your hair to be healthy and do not break off that easily. Carol's Daughter is the best choice if you are not that particular in using natural hair products especially if you have a scalp that is dry and can easily accommodates unwanted oils.

Carol's Daughter contains Hair Milk, a Black Vanilla Leave-In Conditioner, a Mimosa Hair Honey and Rosemary Mint Herbal Shampoo that is good for dry hairs. Most clients complain in this product that it has a strong odor that could possible trigger any allergies, asthma, or headache that is caused by strong scents.

But there is one thing that you have to put in mind, which these products are not meant for everybody because some of its products contain heavy and greasy ingredients. Therefore, some scalps may be sensitive in these kinds of contents.

A product for african american natural hair care products that could be a possible alternative for Carol's Daughter is Ojon. Ojon products are good for the hair because it does not leave your hair dry and it is good for people with straight, fine and long hair.

Another product that is great for any hair type is the Beauty 4 Ashes Godhead product. It is for ethnic and non ethnic hair types, so this product is the best for African American Hair types like kinky, curly or a hair type that have a tighter curl.

It is then best used in chemically treated hair as well as thick hairs. These products contain herbs and oils that are not heavy for the hair.

African American hair types needs moisture because it easily dries up and needs the right care and treatment. Always remember to maintain your hair as healthy as possible, so buying the right formula for your hair is the best choice to consider.

Some people might give you different kind of tips but always try to asses them first before buying anything. These are several useful tips that can be very helpful for you when you are making a decision on what to buy.

Keep in mind that you have to buy products that are all-natural and be keen to look at what kind of ingredients it contains. African American Natural Hair Care Products are readily available in the internet by simply typing the right address in your browser.

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Simple Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Back Pain

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Back pain is one of the most common fitness problems for a majority of people today. This ailment is particularly more prevalent among the office goers. Sometimes, we may not know the real cause of back pain and if it's not given proper attention then there are chances that the injury may get worse than expected. There are a bunch of reasons that could cause backache. Let me try and highlight some of the most common causes of back pain and their possible remedies.

For a majority of adults, Arthritis in the spinal cord is the main reason for backache. The pain may be felt in the upper or lower back and it may sometime get unbearable especially during the night. This can be minimized by practicing yoga or tai chi with the proper guidance of an expert.
Another common factor for back pain is Obesity. It is very common in people who are overweight or obese mainly because of the spine's inability to bear the excess weight of the upper part of the body. Take a diet rich in essential vitamins and calcium as it can help strengthen the bones. And regular exercise is a must!
Sleeping posture is another reason for back pain. Avoid sleeping on hard surfaces, especially on a plain floor.
Improper seating postures may also lead to backache. When you are at work, it wouldn't be possible to take breaks frequently. However, try to sit in an upright posture with an erect spine and do simple stretching exercises during your break.

People who had suffered injuries to the back in road accidents or those who have herniated discs are more likely to experience back pain frequently. This can be as a result of damaged tendons or torn ligaments in the back. People who belong to this category have to take a great amount of care to make sure that the injury is not aggravated. Avoid lifting weights as the injured back may not be able to tolerate the weights.
The most common mistake that most people do when they get back pain is taking pain killers (Ibuprofen, Aspirin etc). Mind you, these pills never help you to get rid of the pain. They stop the sensory nerves from passing information to the brain about the pain. This makes the body to be unaware of the pain. Moreover, they gradually wear out all the important organs in the body and create more problems. So avoid taking painkillers. Instead, look for natural remedies. All right, let me give you some simple, useful home remedies to treat backache.

Proper rest is very essential for the body to repair itself. Sleep in a position wherein you don't put too much strain on your back. This will be relaxing not only for the back but also for the entire body. And relaxing on a water bed can also be soothing to the back.
Using an Ice patch is a simple and effective remedy to minimize the effect of back pain. Gently massage the back with an Ice patch for about 3-5 times a day and you will find an improvement. Another interesting thing to note is that some people prefer using heating pads to treat back pain at home. However, try out both these methods and stick to the one that works best for your body.
Doing simple back exercises will help strengthen your back muscles and make them stronger.
Get a gentle back massage from your spouse or kids before going to bed every night.
Have a glass of milk before going to bed. Milk is rich in calcium and other important vitamins and acts as a natural relaxant for the body.
Acupuncture therapy is also helpful in treating back pain. However, it's up to you to decide which kind of treatment works well for your body. I hope these tips help.
I'm a fitness freak and love watching health shows on various channels provided by Dish TV Offers.

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7 Reasons Why Soy Candles Are Better

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You may have heard of soy candles, which have taken the home fragrance and d

How Does Reishi Mushroom Boost Your Immune System And Health?

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The reishi mushroom is another remarkable mushroom that possesses many healing properties. The mushroom affects many different ailments. It has particular benefits as a blood cleanser, supporter of the immune system, strengthener of the circulatory system, helper with tumors and allergies, and in aiding the body when it is under stress.

The reishi mushroom is a bitter mushroom that has a dark, glossy exterior. It is often found growing in wooded mountain regions of high humidity and little light. It is rarely found growing in the wild because it is generally found on only two to three out of ten thousand trees. The spores of the reishi mushroom are very hard, this makes germination difficult. Commercial cultivation has allowed the benefits of the reishi mushroom to reach the general population.

Reishi has not gained popularity because of its taste, but rather because it has long been used as a healing agent. The mushroom has been used in China and other Asian countries for thousands of years. The Chinese have looked to reishi as a spiritual healer. It also has gained a following among students of meditation, yoga, and tai chi.

There are a wide variety of reishi mushrooms. Some include that akashiba or red reishi; kuroshiba or black reishi; aoshiba or blue reishi; and the murasakishiba or purple reishi. It is believed that all of the varieties contain the same health benefits. The akashiba variety is cultivated, and because of its abundance, is used for most research that has been conducted.

Beta D-glucan is a component of reishi that has been found to stimulate the activity of the immune system. It contains antitumor activity and may help fight different types of cancer, such as sarcoma. This polysaccharide, which is found in the reishi mushroom, has shown immunostimulating, antitumor, and antistress activity in animals.

This mushroom is very beneficial for the heart and circulatory system. Research has found that reishi extract can lower blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure. This mushroom has also been used to help improve the condition of heart patients by improving coronary heart disease, palpitations, pain, and edema. Additional research has determined that reishi improves both hypertension and hypotension; improve blood circulation; and reduce incidence of stroke and cardiac problems.

Other active components of reishi have been found to help in the treating of allergies. These components are similar in structure to steroid hormones and they help in treating allergy symptoms. This mushroom inhibits the release of histamines, and this can help with allergies, asthma, and other respiratory problems.

Like other medicinal mushrooms, reishi has been found to help slow the progression of HIV into AIDS. It helps protect the T cells to fight the disease. The polysaccharides have been shown to increase the production of white blood cells to fight the infection.

The body and stem of the reishi mushroom are used to produce adaptogen, alterative, antineoplastic, antiviral, immunostimulant, and nervine properties. Primarily, reishi is extremely beneficial in dealing with aging, AIDS/HIV, allergies, cancer, fatigue, immune system, heart disease, and respiratory problems. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by reishi, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.

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Symptoms Of Leaky Gut Syndrome: Candida

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Leaky Gut Syndrome is a very interesting disease. As it is not taught in medical schools it is quite difficult for most Doctors to diagnose it in its early stages and in most cases, it can only be identified through its symptoms. Leaky Gut Syndrome occurs when the intestines become inflamed and irritated such that they cannot do their job correctly and some of the symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome include indications that would otherwise be ascribed to other causes and diseases. When the intestinal lining does become infected it is possible for toxins and poisons to leak through it into your bloodstream, and while it is difficult to diagnose, there are many Health Care Professionals who do understand this syndrome and are able to correctly attribute some of these otherwise unrelated warnings to Leaky Gut Syndrome.

Candida is a type of fungus that is present in most people in small amounts and while normally not present in enough of a quantity to be harmful, if a person's intestinal tract is otherwise infected or disturbed, the Candida fungus can take advantage of the disturbances and start causing issues. Candida in fact is one of the symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome and when the delicate balance between good and bad bacteria in a person's body are disturbed it can further flare up. In addition to Candida, other symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome can include Fibromyalgia, Muscle Cramps, Food Allergies including Gluten Intolerance and even Acne.

Unfortunately while a common treatment for most conditions antibiotics are sometimes the cause of the problem too. As antibiotics are unable to differentiate between good and bad bacteria in your system, there application could change the delicate balance present in the intestines, especially as there are increasing numbers of parasites, viruses and bacteria that are growing resistant to antibiotics in general. When this level shifts, an increase in harmful bacteria can cause irritation and inflammation with the concordant growth of the common Candida microbe.

If Candida is able to establish itself in the intestines, it becomes invasive. Rhizoids which are root like structures can burrow through the membranes in your intestinal walls and damage the finger like protrusions on the walls of the intestinal tract known as villi. Once these are damaged the possibility of undigested food particles, toxins and bacteria traversing the intestinal lining to enter the bloodstream are increased. These toxins and poisons in the body further destabilize and weaken the immune system resulting in ever more symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome.

Candida infections may be discovered by careful analysis of the symptoms present. While these indications could also point to other causes, Candida and Leaky Gut Syndrome should also be considered when you are having gastrointestinal problems such as abdominal bloating, diarrhea, constipation and in some cases all three. In addition, Leaky Gut Syndrome and Candida can also have an effect on your overall attitude causing anxiety, depression, insomnia and other mood swings. Symptoms could also include an increased intolerance and sensitivity to different types of foods and food stuffs. Finally chronic vaginal infections, recurrent bladder infections, tinnitus, premenstrual syndrome and yeast infections are all indications of a Candida infection or Leaky Gut Syndrome. Unfortunately, as previously mentioned, these symptoms could also point to other issues in the body, and often Leaky Gut Syndrome and Candida are not considered in a timely and relevant manner leading to further complications and if left untreated a further advancement of the disease.

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Get Rid of Cedar Fever Safely And Naturally

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Mountain cedar allergy season typically starts in the early winter of South Texas and extends for at least a couple of months. It is those months that are typically the worst time of the year for allergy sufferers. The San Antonio and Austin areas are especially bad due to the high concentration of mountain cedar trees and the relatively windy weather that is common to the winter months that spreads the pollen around.

Due to the incredibly high pollen counts (which may continue for several days to weeks) that can occur with mountain cedar, it is by far one of the worst pollens for allergy sufferers. Mountain cedar pollen counts can occasionally reach such a high level that the pollen is actually considered an air pollutant, with the air actually appearing somewhat hazy?).

The pollen typically overpowers the symptom-control of just about every common allergy treatment known to medicine. Even prescription medications and inhalers may not be a match for the clouds of pollen.

Fortunately, there is a new approach to this problem. Energy medicine techniques, based on the thousand-year-old healing traditions of acupuncture (althought the new methods do not require needles and are totally painless), are now available that can effectively "desensitize" allergy sufferers to many allergens, including mountain cedar pollen. These strange-looking methods take effect quickly - within 24 hours and can eliminate mountain cedar allergies for the remaining months of the cedar fever season, and often for future seasons for years to come.

Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technnique, or NAET for short, is the most well-known and widely-practiced of these methods, and is named after Dr. Devi Nambudripad, an acupuncturist and chiropractor. Devi Nambudripad. This technique was discovered accidentally by Dr. Nambudripad when she learned how to eliminate her own allergies. Reportedly, Dr. She herself was afflicted with many food allergies and because of this was on an extremely limited diet. One evening she was fixing dinner for her husband and was cutting up carrots (which she was allergic to). Apparently, just getting a little bit of carrot juice on her skin was enough to trigger an allergy attack. Dr. Nambudripad immediately stopped what she was doing and decided to perform an acupuncture treatment on herself and lie down to rest. She actually fell asleep with the acupuncture needles still in place, and when she awoke, she noticed that she was feeling much better. She noticed that in her haste she had failed to wash off all of the carrot juice from her hands and there were still bits of carrot on her skin, but she was no longer reacting to it. On a hunch, she tried eating a small amount of carrot and to her excitement, she did not have any adverse reaction to it. From there, the technique was developed and is now used for desensitizing all kinds of allergens - including inhaled pollens such as the case with mountain cedar allergy.

A number of other allergy desensitization methods have been developed based on NAET. I have been using a method called Allergy and Sensitivity Elimination and Reprogramming Technique (or ASERT for short) for the past several years with great success. While not identical to NAET, the principles are similar. Instead of acupuncture needles, ASERT uses "cold" laser to stimulate acupuncture points, and the procedure is completely painless and well-tolerated even by very young children.

Both NAET and ASERT defy a believable description, but they are remarkably fast acting, taking effect in 24 hours or less, and the desensitization effect lasts for several months to several years in the majority of cases. The procedure to desensitize mountain cedar pollen, or any other single allergen, is easily done within just one 20 to 30 minute office visit in most cases. Following the desensitization procedure, sinus congestion, watering eyes, and other allergy symptoms start to subside within a matter of hours.) ease off quickly and the need for antihistamines, decongestants, and other medications is typically eliminated.

So, if cedar fever has you in it's grasp, or if you suffer from any other allergies, there's good news - you don't have to suffer anymore!

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Chronic Sinusitis Treatment: Natural Remedies

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The swelling and inflammation of the sinuses is often considered as chronic sinusitis. This inflammation may cause interference in the nasal passages, which may lead to mucus build up. The culprits of such condition often include nasal polyps, deviated septum, tumors, allergies and infections like pollen, dust and cold. Aside from that, ailments that are related to the immune system as well as trauma to the face may also cause the condition to recuperate. However, you should know that a chronic sinusitis treatment is always available to help you out. Some of the most common treatments include the following:

Pungent foods like garlic and onion are known as effective remedies against chronic sinusitis. You may start with mild doses before gradually increasing the dose. You can do this by simply adding these foods into your meals or opt for other forms like garlic or onion capsules and juices as chronic sinusitis treatment.

You can also use a pinch of black cumin seeds tied in a thin cotton cloth. You can place this in one of your nostrils while blocking the other nostril and inhaling it. This may sting but it will surely relieve the blockage in the nasal passages.

You can also boil fenugreek seeds in 500 ml. of water. Boil the seeds until they are reduced to half. This can help produce perspiration and speeds up the healing process. You can consume up to 4 cups of this decoction daily and start reducing the number of intake as you heal.

Another natural method is to create a mixture of honey and roasted or ground cumin seeds. Make sure to take this on a regular basis as chronic sinusitis treatment to relieve the discomfort and alleviate the symptoms.

Adding more foods loaded with vitamin A can also help strengthen the mucus membranes. Foods packed with vitamin C are also helpful and is also considered as one of the best chronic sinusitis treatment.

Juices made of cucumber, carrots, beet or spinach are helpful as well. Although these may not be desirable to taste, these are beneficial against any sinus condition.

If you need more tips on how to treat a sinus infection, you may visit your physician for a consultation. Take note that some sinus conditions may require surgery and so it is important for you to learn about the root cause of the condition and the proper chronic sinusitis treatment.

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Adenosine, The Not-so-secret Ingredient Of Acupuncture

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Acupuncture has long been viewed with skepticism by the medical establishment and by many "mainstream;" Americans who consider it a mix of hocus-pocus and incense-infused Eastern gibberish.

Yet, there is a strong scientific basis for many of the benefits that acupuncturists and acupuncture patients have been claiming throughout acupuncture's 4,000 year history. As scientists begin to turn a serious eye to acupuncture they are discovering that the practice really does have observable positive impacts on the human body.

Take adenosine, for instance. Adenosine is a helpful and naturally-occurring chemical in the body that plays a strong role in regulating sleep, fighting inflammation and neutralizing pain. In other words, adenosine is a good thing to have on your side, especially if you are suffering from an injury like back or neck pain.

A study published in the prestigious journal Nature Neuroscience in 2010 firmly established the link between acupuncture and adenosine. Researchers discovered that when they applied acupuncture to rats with injured paws, the level of adenosine in the tissue of the animals rose 24 times the amount before the treatment.

In other words, the application of acupuncture is like a green light for the brain to release feel-good chemicals like adenosine to help silence pain.

The study also found that acupuncture decreased pain in the mice by two-thirds. I can not argue with those results, because I see them in my office every day.

The scientists in the study go on to say that adenosine is just a tiny part of the acupuncture puzzle. The body is an extremely complex machine, always bustling with chemical and electrical signals. Acupuncture impacts this system in a very deep and profound way, of which adenosine is a just one small piece.

What I take away from this fascinating study is not just a deeper awareness and appreciation for the connection between acupuncture and adenosine, but also that there is a strong foundation of science behind the results I see in my practice every day. Those who still believe acupuncture is just incense and the placebo effect have not been reading their scientific journals.

If you are suffering from back pain, low back pain, neck pain, or any other type of pain and live in Eastlake (including Chula Vista or Bonita), please consider visiting Eastlake Acupuncture and Massage to experience firsthand the pain relief that acupuncture can deliver.

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Top 10 Portable Air Conditioner Questions Answered

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2. Will It Assist With My Allergy symptoms?
It not only assist hold you cool throughout hot summer season months, additionally they assist allergy sufferers hold their allergy symptoms below management by regulating indoor temperatures and humidity levels. Dust mites and mould spores, two of probably the most potent and prevalent allergens, both of which can aggravate both allergy and bronchial asthma signs, are significantly affected by fluctuations in temperature and humidity.

Portable air conditioners lower indoor humidity. Controlling humidity levels and maintaining allergy symptoms under management go hand in hand. Allergy victims should monitor humidity levels and use transportable air conditioners, dehumidifiers, and humidifiers to keep humidity levels between forty and 50 percent.

3. How Do They Work?
A conveyable air conditioner operates the same means as window air conditioner does. They cool your room by cooling the warm air in your house and exhausting the byproducts of heat and moisture out the window. Sizzling air from the room passes over coils cooled by refrigerant gas. Extra heat and moisture are pushed out through the exhaust hose while the chilled air is emitted back into the room.

The main distinction is that they come with an exhaust hose (or two) that directs the hot air from the again of the unit by way of a window. You could also lower a gap in a wall for an extra everlasting exhaust option. Window air conditioner units shouldn't have this characteristic, as a result of the exhaust is exterior already. Most also have a water tank to collect extra condensate, or water, that's extracted from the air. This tank needs to be emptied which must be emptied often to keep the unit working properly.

4. What Are BTUs?
Nearly all moveable air conditioners are rated by the variety of British Thermal Items (BTUs) of warmth they'll remove per hour. Yours ought to be usually, at least 12,000 BTUs for a room size of 300 to 400 sq. feet. The dimensions of your air-con unit additionally depends on many factors like how much shade there may be within the room, how many individuals are usually within the room, what the room is used for (kitchens will want extra BTUs), what different sources of heat are within the room, and how much insulation is in your partitions and ceilings. This information is based on regular room insulation, average variety of sun-exposed home windows and two-particular person occupancy. Listed here are some approximate room sizes and the corresponding BTUs wanted to chill these rooms:

* 100-200 = eight,000 - 10,000 BTU
* 200-300 = 10,000 - 12,000 BTU
* 300-four hundred = 12,000 - 14,000 BTU
* 400+ = 14,000+ BTU

Please do not forget that the size on the room is just one issue that it's good to take into account when choosing the right measurement for your portable air conditioner.

5. What Options Ought to I Look For?
After looking at the BTUs for an unit, one of the greatest options to search for in is whether or not the unit is a twin hose or single hose unit. Twin hose models function more effectively in most cases. Twin hose items characteristic two air intakes and one outtake hose. The air consumption pulls air from the room, cools it, and then returns it again into the room. This process causes heat to construct up in and across the unit's motor, so another consumption hose takes air from outdoors to chill this part of the transportable air conditioner down. The second hose expels all heat air again outside. Twin hose systems are more efficient in larger settings and do no create unfavorable air stress like single hose models do.

You may additionally try to discover out what precisely the window package is like. Some have laborious plastic window sliders, whereas others just have a foam insert for the window.

6. Does The Transportable Air Conditioner Want To Be Vented?
Yes, the hot air that is exhausted out the again of those units must be vented to the outside through a window, wall, or your existing duct work. A window equipment is included with each unit that's designed for double hung and sliding kind windows. The window kits are adjustable. The exhaust from the unit isn't harmful. It is just sizzling air!

7. How Lengthy Will My Transportable Air Conditioner Final?
In case your unit doesn't run every single day or 24 hours a day, it is going to inevitably last longer. Most models are durable from three to five years although most have warranties which might be shorter than that time frame.

8. How Do I Clear And Maintain One?
Correct upkeep and cleansing is very important to conserving the unit in working order. The air filter must be cleaned each 2 weeks or every a hundred hours of use to keep up correct air flow. Once the filter is faraway from the unit, most of the air filters may be cleaned with mushy material or with a vacuum cleaner attachment. You should utilize a light detergent on most filters. Make certain the filter is totally dry earlier than changing in the unit. Some transportable air conditioners use a replaceable filter. These filters, whereas providing far superior air filtration, can't be washed and reused.

To clean the outside of your portable AC. Turn the unit off and unplug. Wipe with a delicate, damp cloth. You need to use a mild detergent, but make sure to permit the unit to dry completely. Do not use harsh chemical substances on the surface and keep away from splashing water on or into the transportable AC unit. This will severely damage the unit and may put you in danger for electrical shock.

9. How Loud And Heavy Are They?
Transportable air conditioners are heavy. They'll vary wherever from 60-one hundred twenty pounds. They all have casters and grip handles, however these units are troublesome to move up or down stairs. They're high quality if you happen to can roll them between rooms.

Transportable air conditioners aren't too loud. They don't seem to be as quiet as central ACs or even some window units. Most do not make extreme noise and customarily fall in the 50-fifty nine decibel category.

10. How Will Utilizing A Portable Air Conditioner Impact My Energy Invoice?
You're undoubtedly going to note an increase in your power consumption and a rise in your electric bill. Relying on the dimensions of the unit, they may consume a variety of power. Search for fashions with higher EER's. This number corresponds with how much of the vitality consumed it truly became cooling power. The higher the EER, the more cooling you might be getting to your buck.

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Burn Belly Fat Fast: Drop 6 Lbs Exactly Where It Counts Tips For Losing Weight Quickly and Easily

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Watch weight loss products that use the words, "guarantees" and "miracles." Like anything else in life, you get out of weight loss what you put into it, so any product offering a quick fix should be avoided.

You can break down your weight loss by numbers. Each pound of fat is comprised of roughly 3,500 calories. So, if you want to lose one pound you simply have to use 3500 calories more than you consume. You can break it down even further into 500 calorie slices for a reasonable daily goal. By taking it bit by bit, you will lose a pound a week in no time.

Get rid of the half and half and try 2% milk in your coffee. If 2% is already your choice, considering taking the next step to skim milk.

Think about the good in the weight loss situation. Creating specific, reasonable goals is also helpful when trying to succeed with weight loss. Keep your goals and resolutions in mind and you should be able to achieve them.

You may already know salmon is healthy for losing weight, but fish can be difficult for an inexperienced cook. If you'd like to include salmon in your diet, but aren't interested in cooking it up, try eating canned salmon instead. Canned salmon is cheap and simple to prepare.

When attempting to shed extra pounds, aim to lose about a pound a week. If you are losing more than one pound every week, you are losing it too quickly. Losing weight quickly is not only unhealthy, you will probably end up putting the pounds straight back on.

It is a good idea if you do not use the term "diet". It is fine to be honest about monitoring your intake, but committing yourself to the world of "dieting" may conjure feelings of deprivation.

Try to eat your meals around the same time every day. This strategy will help you get rid of unnecessary snacking that could be hindering your weight loss goals. You should try getting your snacking times on a schedule, as well. Keeping your body on a schedule helps decrease the amount you eat.

Keep healthy snacks around so that when you have the urge to munch on something you won't get off track with your weight loss. Tiny bags of nuts, seeds and dried fruits can be kept in your purse, pockets, desk drawers and even the glove compartment of your car for those moments your stomach demands satisfaction.

Avoid skipping meals if at all possible. You should eat no less than three meals per day. It is okay to have some snacks between your meals, but make sure you do not eat too much that you skip your scheduled meal. This will assist your body with remaining on schedule.

Make sure you are setting goals that are realistic. Most individuals start with having a goal in mind that is hard to aim for. While a goal is important, if it is too high, you may soon become disillusioned and give up. Reaching for unrealistic goals may ultimately lead to failure.

Don't neglect your water intake, either. Feelings of thirst can be confused with hunger pangs.

Consider drinking coffee as a means to lose weight. Plain coffee can give your metabolism a boost and get you moving through the day. It can provide you with the much-needed energy to get up and start getting fit.

Make sure you maintain a positive attitude while losing weight. If you have a positive outlook on eating healthy and exercising regularly, you will make the entire weight loss process a lot easier. This can help keep you motivated on the tougher days.

If you watch what you eat you can help yourself shed some pounds, you should also not eat after a certain time. If you have less to eat in the evening, you may have a larger appetite in the morning. It's healthier to get the majority of your calories in the morning and early afternoon.

To help avoid mid-morning snacking, eat a high-protein diet. Protein allows you to feel fuller for extended periods of time, you won't be tempted to reach for a snack before lunch.

Try drinking water instead of other drinks to lose weight. Many drinks, like juice and soda, contain a lot of calories. Water is cheap, contains no calories, and fills you up as well as being very healthy.

Keep stress to a minimum when trying to lose weight. When your body feels stress it tends to hoard calories and fat to provide a defense mechanism. Even though your stress may not be permanent, your body still reacts this way. Keep stress to a minimum to lose weight.

You should not be alone on your weight loss journey. Aim to find family or friends who will workout with you. If you can't find any, join online forums to find people who can support you. It's possible that somebody you don't know but lives close by is in the same position as you.

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Can You Be Allergic To Chinchillas?

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Chinchillas are very adorable and provide many years of companionship for the owner but can you be allergic to chinchillas? A not so well known info is that chinchilla do release proteins that make a person allergic. It is expulses in the form of urine and saliva and over and above, they discard their fur once every few months.

The cause for a person being allergic to chinchillas is primarily due to the hay and dust from the chinchillas. If you happen to be allergic to hay and dust, then buying a chinchilla as pet is out of question. It is a well known fact that most warm-blooded animals that liberate protein have fur in their body. Furry animals have the habit of licking their fur and the saliva, once dried will set of the protein hovering about on different material in the home.

Some who might not be attuned of such things will have to contend with their allergies and eventually give away their pet chinchilla. It is not just the owner who has to put up with the inconveniences but the poor chinchilla as well. They will have to do without their hay and dust bath and then sooner or later they have to be re-homed. It can be upsetting and distressing for the pet chinchilla, not just for the owner who is suffering from the allergy.

You can get allergic just by getting close to the chinchilla and rubbing your eyes and skin is widespread. One little fact that we need to know is that allergy might takes weeks, months or even years to occur and there are cases that some owners might entail inhaler to cure their breathing problem. If you are one such person who ultimately becomes allergic to the hay and dust, then re-homing is necessary for your pet.

To avoid from developing lasting allergies from the hay and dust, there are many ways and cover the cage of your chinchilla with a sheet by keeping it in a room with closed door is one of them. If there is a need to apply dust, keep the fans away, then wrap it with a sheet and close the door to the room for a little more than ten minutes as it will allow the dust to settle.

Asides from the necessary safety measures, you can buy for your pet chinchilla certain brand of bath sands that diminish the impact of the dust from flying around. While it is helpful to reduce the dust, it is not cost effective for those who are on a tight resource. The measures you take to minimize the allergies from your pet chinchilla are all steps necessary but if you do eventually develop allergies or are severely allergic to fur and dust, then re-homing is the best option.

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Find Out More About Cocker Spaniel Allergies

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There are many dog breeds that are known for their active lifestyle, but the most popular among them is the cocker spaniel. But such healthy physique does not totally safeguard cockers against health problems. Some problems can be very severe and fatal, while others like cocker spaniel allergies are quite manageable. Take a further look at the latter concern below and learn about varied allergy sources.

Food allergy is among the top health concerns for cockers, especially those between two to six years old. On the other hand, some older dogs could still be vulnerable to having such condition. Some of the foods most cockers are allergic to are: milk, corn, beef and commercial dog food preservatives and additives.

Cocker spaniel allergies due to such foods can bring about a lot of discomfort to your dog. These symptoms may be suffered by your pet: hair loss, bald patches, thick dander layer, excessive scratching, skin rashes and increased need to move bowel or even diarrhea. Some dogs might even vomit at once they ingest or smell the smallest amount of food they are allergic to.

Then again, note that some of these symptoms are similar to when your dog suffers from food intolerance. Fortunately, there are ways to determine your dog's food allergies. Your pet can go through food trial or elimination diet for 12 weeks. This may be inclusive of novel sources of protein and carbohydrates. You can either make your own plan or purchase ready-made diets. If the problem persists, consult your veterinarian. Blood testing might be recommended for your pet.

Cocker spaniel allergies can also be brought about by certain environmental sources. The top among these is inhalants. These are in different forms, which include items commonly found in your home. Some are dust mites, household chemicals, pollens, grass, mold and perfumes.

Once your pet contracts any of these allergens, his immune system will produce histamines which will trigger the allergy symptoms to come out. These include sneezing, wheezing, coughing, having hot spots, chewing of paws and licking all of which are in excessive manners.

Inhalant-caused cocker spaniel allergies may disappear on their own or as soon as the inhalants have been eliminated amongst your pet's midst. If the symptoms persist, your pet needs to be treated right away. These are some treatment options: intake of steroids and antihistamines and vaccine shots.

Contact and pest allergies may also plague cockers. The former may be due to contact with plastic, wool, sand and synthetic materials. The latter may be due to fleas and other parasites. Both these allergy types have symptoms such as rashes, blisters and intense itching. Dermatitis or skin infections may develop if the condition is left untreated. One treatment could be through injecting corticosteroids in your pet.

Given this overview of what causes cocker spaniel allergies, you now have a basic guide on how to create a much healthier, ideally allergen-free, environment for your pet. If this is ensured, your pet will be much livelier, happier and more content.

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Tips To Prevent From Hair Dye Allergies

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An estimated percentage of hair dye causing allergy is 5% in United States of America. Hair dye allergy is normally in the form of dermatitis with redness along with an itchy feeling in the scalp. Before it's too late, wake up the fact that hair dyes until and unless not checked thoroughly for its content may harm your scalp and your skin. It is also important to realize the consequences it may cause and opt for preventive measures that can help in protecting your health when you are planning to experiment with your hair. Below are some basic instructions that will help in treating dye allergy and also reduce the impact of it.

1. Before you plunge into the exciting mode and plan to get your hair dyed, then the first step would be to stay calm and carry out a proper research to know the kind of hair color, the chemicals used in them and only then can you take the step of building up the confidence of getting the hair dyed.
2. Incase if there is any lotion that helps in preventing the problem of allergy from occurring then go for it. Apply that lotion and then the next step would be to happily get your hair dyed, without any allergy.
3. Now that you have derived all the possible guts to get your hair dyed, and carried out the prior research, then there is a need to keep little more patience and go for a patch test no matter how much the products claim to be chemical free. It is better to be safe then regretting later for having not done the test.
4. Checking Sensitivity- Patch test can be done by dipping the cotton swab in the mixed color and applying it behind the ears. Ear being a sensitive spot, it will immediately show its true colors. If something is wrong with it, then this is a signal that you should not color your hair with this dye. This will prevent your skin and your hair from damaging.
5. Efficacy test of the hair dye is the most important aspect. If the patch test showed no results soon after applying, then normally it is ideal to wait for 24 hours. When the 24 hours is over then maybe you can go ahead with applying the dye on your hair.
6. Informing professionals about patch test-If you are not getting the dyeing done at home and prefer for a professional help, there is no harm in doing so, but the best way to start would be to inform the professionals about patch test and only then may he go ahead.
7. Leave hair dye for stipulated period only-After application of hair dye, it is important or advisable to leave it only for stipulated time. Too much of exposure may harm the hair follicles, thus causing the problem of hair loss and dry hair. It may also hamper your health slowly and steadily.
The problem of hair loss is already causing increasing concern, but hair loss and allergy due to hair dyeing is surely something which no individual would want. Take care before you plan for getting hair dyed.

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