Dog Hot Spot Treatment Is Challenging For Pet Owners

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Treating a dog for hot spots can be one of the most frustrating experiences for a pet owner. Dog hot spot treatment is a difficult matter. As the owner of a dog with hot spots, I understand how challenging this condition can be. It is treatable, however, and dog hot spots can be managed effectively.

Before applying any treatments, clip the hair around the affected areas if your dog has long hair. Cleanse the areas with warm water and a mild cleanser, such as betadine solution. If that is not available, Ivory soap is very gentle and non-irritating. Fill a mid-size bowl with warm water and add a spoon of salt. Soak a wash cloth in this solution and hold on the hot spots to help reduce any swelling and remove puss.

A home remedy for dog hot spot treatment can be made from household items. One homemade remedy that I found to be effective was four to six capsules of fish oil and two to three capsules of garlic oil added to two ounces of tea tree oil. The mixture should be applied liberally to affected areas. Garlic is also a natural deterrent for fleas.

Dabbing witch hazel on the hot spots has a cooling effect which minimizes itching and will help to dry out the wounds. Breaking off a leaf from an aloe vera plant and rubbing the juice from the leaf is another excellent way to help relieve itching on your pet. Black or green tea is also good for treating hot spots. Soak a tea bag in hot water, remove it and let it cool. Hold the tea bag on the hot spot for about five minutes. The tannic acid in black tea leaves will help to dry the sores and heal them quickly. Another effective tea remedy is made by adding a tablespoon of rubbing alcohol and dissolving two aspirin in a cup of warm tea, then applying to the hot spots. Do this several times a day for best results.

Applying an over the counter hydrocortisone cream to the hot spots will reduce itching. Mixing equal parts of Listerine, baby oil and water in a spray bottle, then spraying the hot spots will provide positive results. Dabbing apple cider vinegar on the affected areas or applying dry baking soda will also give your dog relief from the itching. Both are cooling and soothing to the skin.

While many issues can be treated successfully at home, some hot spots can be related to flea or food allergies. Subdermal mites can be culprits. Dog hot spot treatments should always begin with a visit to your veterinarian to rule out more serious causes of this aggravating condition. Your dog may need aggressive treatment, such as steroid injections and antibiotics in the beginning to get the situation under control. Your vet will be able to determine whether the hot spots are being caused by fleas, mites or by his food through blood tests or skin scrapings.

As soon as your dog begins showing signs of hot spots, such as constant itching, chewing and hair loss, address the problem immediately. Any delay in treatment could lead to a situation that spirals out of control. The sooner treatment begins, the easier it will be to heal and the happier your dog, and you, will be.

If you are not comfortable applying homemade remedies, there are hundreds of products that can be purchased from pet stores, feed stores and even places like Wal-Mart. Some products will only relieve symptoms while others actually promote healing. Just like people, some products will work well on one dog but not another. You may have to do a little experimenting to find out what works best for your dog.

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