Hemorrhoids - Natural Healing Remedies, Supplements And Herbs For A Healthy Bottom

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This subject may strike some as offensive, but an attack of hemorrhoids is one of the most common conditions suffered by Americans. Although hemorrhoids are partially hereditary; they can also be caused; and remedied, by things such as diet and toilet habits.

Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are those inflamed and widened veins that look like purple skin growths around the anus. This condition tends to run in families, either because they acquire similar personal habits that worsen the problem or they inherit delicate veins.

They can also be caused by allergies, constipation, heavy lifting, improper diet, lack of exercise, liver damage, obesity, pregnancy and prolonged sitting. But most often the problem is constipation.

Symptoms include rectal itching, pain and tenderness, and sometimes bleeding. The most alarming sign of hemorrhoids is bright red blood in the stool, caused by pressure during the bowel movement. The bleeding is usually minor; however, dark, tarry blood could indicate a more severe internal bleeding problem that should be brought to the attention of your doctor immediately.

The best way to treat hemorrhoids is to prevent them from getting started. Here are some natural healing remedies, supplements and herbs for soothing, preventing and maintaining hemorrhoids. Here is to you a healthy bottom.

Natural Healing Remedies

Avoid constipation. Stay regular by consuming about 30 grams of dietary fiber and drinking at least 48 ounces of water per day. Regular exercise also helps prevent constipation.

Strive for soft and easy bowel movements. Take a stool softener. Linseed oil helps to soften stools. Use one or two tablespoons daily.

Do not grunt or hold your breath while defecating. This is just the kind of strain needed to engorge and swell the veins in your rectum.

Ointments containing vitamins A and D or E may be helpful for lubrication and relief of pain. Or use a dab of petroleum jelly on a cotton swab, apply about



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