Conservative And Surgical Treatment To Relieve Your Bunion Pain

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Are you experiencing pain in your foot, specifically your big toe? Maybe you have even noticed a bump with your pain. A bunion is an enlargement of the joint at the base of the big toe-the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint-that forms when the bone or tissue at the big toe moves out of place. This then forces the toe to bend toward the others, causing an often-painful lump of bone on the foot. Since this joint carries a lot of your body's weight while walking, bunions can cause you extreme pain if left untreated. Without treatment, the big toe joint may become stiff and sore, which makes wearing shoes difficult or near impossible. With both conservative and surgical treatments available, you can find relief for your painful bunion bump.

Conservative Treatment Options

Treatment options will vary depending on the severity of your bunion and the amount of pain it causes you. Non-surgical (conservative) treatments used to help relieve the pain and pressure caused by a bunion might include:
* Changing shoes
* Padding and taping
* Medications
* Shoe inserts

It is important to wear roomy comfortable shoes that provide plenty of space for your toes. When you wear shoes that are too tight, your toes are forced on top of each other, which aggravates your bunion further. In many cases, your podiatrist can help you tape and pad your foot in a normal position, which helps to reduce stress on the bunion and alleviate your pain.

Additionally, anti-inflammatory drugs and cortisone injections are often prescribed to ease the acute pain and inflammations caused by joint deformities. Physical therapy is also often used to provide relief of the inflammation and from bunion pain. Ultrasound therapy is a popular technique for treating bunions and their associated soft tissue involvement.

Lastly, padded shoe inserts can help distribute pressure evenly when you move your feet. This helps to reduce symptoms of a bunion and help to prevent it from worsening. Over-the-counter arch supports can provide relief for some people, but custom-made orthotics by your podiatrist has been proven to provide better results.

Surgical Treatment Options

When early conservative treatments fail, or your bunion begins to progress past the threshold for such options, you may require surgical treatment to relieve pressure and repair the toe joint. There are several surgical procedures available from your podiatrist-no particular surgery is best for every problem. Knowing what caused your bunion is essential for choosing the best procedure to ensure correction without recurrence.

Most surgical procedures include a bunionechtomy, which involves:
* Removing the swollen tissue from around your big toe joint
* Straightening your big toe by removing part of the bone
* Realignment of the long bone between the back part of your foot and your big toe
* Permanently joining the bones of your affected joint

After your surgery, you may be able to walk on your foot immediately after, but full recovery typically can take up to eight weeks or longer. To prevent recurrence, you will need to wear proper shoes after recovery.

Surgery is typically not recommended unless the bunion causes frequent pain or interferes with your day-to-day activities. Like other types of surgery, a bunionechtomy is not without risk. You may also still experience pain or you can develop a new bunion in your big toe joint after your surgery.

If you are experiencing pain in your foot, or notice a bump, talk to your podiatrist in St. Louis for further diagnosis and treatment options.

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