Options for Attaching Items in Shadow Box Picture Frames

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Whether your shadow box is going to be displayed with other picture frames or alone, there are points to be considered. When working with these shadow box frames you will find a couple things you must consider before you get started. You'll need to decide if you're going to use glass or not, and if you're going to make use of some kind of mat. This article should help you make the correct decision and furthermore give you the best choices for attaching your precious objects in your shadow box frame.

• Using a Mat or Choosing Not to Use One: The choice you make in this decision should depend on what sort of style you want to use and how you're going to display your shadow box. You don't have to have a mat in order to create an eye-catching exhibit, but if you want your items to appear more formally displayed then a mat could be a good idea. If you are placing several items on display, then you may use a mat with distinct openings for every single item.

• Glass- to Use it or Not: The glass that can be found in regular picture frames is the same as the glass or acrylic used in shadow box picture frames. Make sure that your glass or even acrylic will be sufficient to protect your special items and to keep them free of dust. Glass with a non-glare finish is the only kind that you definitely won't want to use in your frame. This is due to the fact that the reason it's non-glare is because it has an etched surface, but if you're looking at the display from some distance away, then this etching will make things look fuzzy, particularly if multiple mats are used.

As far as attaching items in your shadow box goes, the possibilities are practically endless. However, finding the right method for fastening your objects in the most safe and attractive way can be tricky. From understated to bold attachments, every method is different. You'll choose which sort of fastener to use based on the finished product you would like to achieve. You might want to incorporate the attachment as part of your display, or perhaps may want to place more emphasis on your subject by making the fastener invisible.

How much your treasures are worth, either speaking in terms of cash or simply how much you treasure them, is another important thing to think about. You wouldn't wish to use glue on anything that is very valuable to you, because you may cause permanent damage. The majority of the techniques you see below should keep your items completely intact with no harm whatsoever.

• Sewing: This is usually the best option for displaying items of clothing. Use the minimum amount of stitches you can, but also make sure that you use enough to completely hold up your item. The first thing to do is to get your backing board and arrange your item on it. You may decide the best location to put your stitches once you have arranged the item the way that you want it. You may also cut out a bit of matting board that is the same shape and size as your clothing, then put it inside the item to give it some added support. Crumple up some tissue paper and put them inside the sleeves, and any additional places that may need to be filled out.

• Strapping: This is most likely the most popular means of attaching items in a shadow box. It is like a giant sewing stitch through the backing board. You simply find the place you want to put your object, and then put two holes there in the backing board. After that, you just thread the material you're using for strapping up through one hole, once around your object, and back down through the other hole. Finally, you merely tie both ends securely together and then affix them to the backside of the board with tape. You can be creative with the strapping material and employ it as part of your display or choose thin fishing line that is almost invisible. Think about fancy ribbons or bits of leather for various looks.

• Suspending or Dangling: You can use a hook or another hanger to hold your object within your shadow box. If you are displaying something that is worn once in a while and then put back on display, then this can be a great method for you. In this situation you wouldn't want to use any glass.

• Sink Mat: A sink mat is used as added support for thicker items like books or magazines. The level of depth doesn't need to be supplied by the sink mat itself. Enough support may be provided by one piece of foam board or mat board.

• A Specific Mount: There are specified kinds of mounts that are especially designed for things like coins, old spoons, and weapons of any kind.

• Hook and Loop: Very light objects can be secured by a hook and loop which attaches with glue to the backing. If you just staple the bit of the hook and loop which is attached to your backing, then this will help it to last more years when the adhesive gives out. Fabrics may also stand having a loop and hook sewn onto them. Strengthening the hook and loop like this may allow it to hold a little heavier object.

• Glue: Glue is the easy, convenient and least expensive means to attach an object to a shadow box; however, it isn't reversible and may cause damage to precious objects. You can use a clear silicone adhesive if your object has more weight to it, but then you will need to wait to seal up the frame until you have given it time to cure. Craft glue is a good option for lightweight objects. A hot glue gun is not recommended because the glue deteriorates over time.

So get started as soon as you can, now that you are aware of all the hints for putting your objects in your shadow box. Enjoy yourself!

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