5 Best Remedies For Sinus Infection Relief

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Anyone suffering from sinus infection is trapped in the most debilitating and miserable condition and wishes for nothing but sinus infection relief. It is not only painful but impedes day to day activities of sinus sufferers.

Reason behind infection

Sinus infection is caused by inflammation in sinuses which are basically cavities near the nose. This swelling blocks the mucus and air inside and stops it from draining. This ultimately causes the pain and pressure and is called sinusitis.


Common symptoms include pressure around the eyes, in forehead, near the nose, headache, earache and/or yellow nasal discharge. The pain gets worse on bending, leaning forward or suddenly moving the head. This depends on which pair(s) of sinuses is (are) affected.

1. Allergic sinusitisoccurs due to the common nasal allergies such as dust, smoke, pollen and involves sneezing, itchy and watery eyes and clear discharge from the nose.
2. Viral sinusitisusually occurs of flu or cold and involves inflammation in the lining membrane of all sinuses.
3. Bacterial sinusitisis basically when viral sinus gets infected with bacteria and involves a lot more sinus pain, pressure and fever.

Sinus infection treatment

Sinusitis may be treated by antibiotics and prescription drugs. However, they all carry side effects. Home remedies on the contrary, are natural and free of side effects.

1. The simplest of all sinus infection relief is to rectify the humidity level of your room which should be 45% - 50%. Too much dryness aggravates sinus blockage. Place a humidifier in your room to keep the air moist. In contrast, you may require a dehumidifier if the place you are living in is very humid. Too much humidity adds up to the pain and makes the condition miserable.
2. Another very useful remedy for sinus infection relief is steam inhalation. Add a few drops of tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil. It greats helps to open up the nasal cavities and thins down mucus. You can also add peppermint oil or one raw onion instead in the steaming water.
3. Drink warm fluids as much as you can. Have soups such as tomato soup, freshly squeezed orange juice, lemonade and lemon green tea. Vitamin C rich foods greatly help in this condition.
4. Have jalapeno peppers. This instantly helps to drain mucus and ease the infection.
5. Ginger has anti-inflammatory property. Make a paste of dry ginger and water and apply on the forehead to relieve the pain. You may also add ginger to your tea for sinus infection relief.

If these remedies don't provide sinus infection relief, then it's advisable to seek medical help as there might be some underlying problem. Especially if you notice a green discharge, redness around the eyes and/or fever, do not hesitate to see a doctor immediately.

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