Adenosine, The Not-so-secret Ingredient Of Acupuncture

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Acupuncture has long been viewed with skepticism by the medical establishment and by many "mainstream;" Americans who consider it a mix of hocus-pocus and incense-infused Eastern gibberish.

Yet, there is a strong scientific basis for many of the benefits that acupuncturists and acupuncture patients have been claiming throughout acupuncture's 4,000 year history. As scientists begin to turn a serious eye to acupuncture they are discovering that the practice really does have observable positive impacts on the human body.

Take adenosine, for instance. Adenosine is a helpful and naturally-occurring chemical in the body that plays a strong role in regulating sleep, fighting inflammation and neutralizing pain. In other words, adenosine is a good thing to have on your side, especially if you are suffering from an injury like back or neck pain.

A study published in the prestigious journal Nature Neuroscience in 2010 firmly established the link between acupuncture and adenosine. Researchers discovered that when they applied acupuncture to rats with injured paws, the level of adenosine in the tissue of the animals rose 24 times the amount before the treatment.

In other words, the application of acupuncture is like a green light for the brain to release feel-good chemicals like adenosine to help silence pain.

The study also found that acupuncture decreased pain in the mice by two-thirds. I can not argue with those results, because I see them in my office every day.

The scientists in the study go on to say that adenosine is just a tiny part of the acupuncture puzzle. The body is an extremely complex machine, always bustling with chemical and electrical signals. Acupuncture impacts this system in a very deep and profound way, of which adenosine is a just one small piece.

What I take away from this fascinating study is not just a deeper awareness and appreciation for the connection between acupuncture and adenosine, but also that there is a strong foundation of science behind the results I see in my practice every day. Those who still believe acupuncture is just incense and the placebo effect have not been reading their scientific journals.

If you are suffering from back pain, low back pain, neck pain, or any other type of pain and live in Eastlake (including Chula Vista or Bonita), please consider visiting Eastlake Acupuncture and Massage to experience firsthand the pain relief that acupuncture can deliver.

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